8 months ago

Back and active, I will make 2~3 weekly posts per week, I don't guarantee that they will all be drawings. This drawing is a blue lizard hunting our benevolent survivor brother the Buddhist (note: as I'm Brazilian, the name was translated wrong)

1 comment


Next up

Hum.... its ok i guess


Shrew the size of a bear style after man, it is 2.20 meters long and 70 centimeters high at the shoulders, standing upright it reaches 1.60 meters tall and can weigh between 400 ~ 560 kilos

Preparing an animation for the pink lizard from rain world

Not bad..

Muahaha edgy girll, shes very chill actually and she has one of the worst type combinations defensively speaking I've ever seen

Just some Collor lol

RW: downpour Android
