3 years ago

Back at the safe house (A sewer lair constructed by Lavina and Jack) The trio are monitoring Jude's wellbeing.

Concussion: Why did you have to build the safe house... in the goddamn sewers?!

Lavina: It's a small price to pay for safety. So shut your mouth, and be glad I didn't hand you over to the AAC myself after what you did.

Lavina: *Struts off to go check on Jude*

Jack: (to concussion) Good luck pal.

Concussion: What the hell do you mean?-

Jack: Must I spell it out for you? y-o-u l-i-k-e h-e-r.

Concussion: Thats bull.

Jack: I know it isn't, I've been noticing trends in your behavior toward her for the duration of our journeys. And I can safely say that you have a thing for her.

Concussion: Nah. I don't. Besides, you do know that my soul has been consumed by this mask. How am I supposed to feel.

Jack: You've broken the boundary Luca. But either way, I just wanted to say... Good luck stealing my sister away from me. *walks away*

Concussion: You don't know what you're talking aboooouuuut.



Next up

Kamaria Westgale.

Reincarnation of the ancient star goddess: La'aresiel.

battle for teh heavens

another picture taken of anomaly X

They are in love


also I have barely developed them as characters and I'm already in love with Aridian.


Been doing tons of angelic lorebuilding recently Wing diagrams halo types angel types And finally Servant of the divine, sinner adorned with rings.

g e t r e a d y

new favorite face of all time