Technology Takedown!
2 years ago

back to development lmao

(devlog in the article)

list of stuff i added

  • added insanity mode + started workinhg on attack system (for now it only works for the gut w/ the white uniform, ive tried to make it work for the guy in black but for some reson he ded from the beginning lmao)

  • added a teacher

  • pikochan is bacc>:D (I'm sorry her hands look burnt, still trying to fix it)

  • improved dialogue

  • added a menu? (that menu at the end of the video is actually a modified version of speedtutor's free menu system which is no longer available on the asset store cus he's greedy and made it only available to his patreons, I plan on switching to the 3d menu system and rn im still trying to modify a few things about the menu before I can show u guys)

  • I may or may not post this vid to yt later



Next up

i love unity 2021.3

got a 1360 on the SAT!!!! my Asian dad isn’t so impressed tho 💀

standing on a bench moment

random screenshots to prove that this game aint ded


Tryna revive the game rn

not gonna stay what these images are about

Haven’t touched unity since foreva but ive been cooking up a lot for the plot lately :3

random #asmr i made while i was in Singapore (i was bored)

showcase 4: quick showcase cus why not

(Recorded yesterday, I’m too lazy to have a devlog. I might post another one later lmao)

New logo! Made this a while ago, but this is still kinda unfinished so expect more!