3 months ago

back when i was probably around 10,

i did not understand that you cant make a game in a single day,

oh boy so many projects cancelled lmao, this is one of these, it was supposed to be a iron lung parody;

it was extremely short and could be beaten in like 10 seconds (im not joking)

for anyone curious i will explain how this game played out:

you would start in this room


there was a closed exist and behind this player's pov there was another doorway (which was open) that would lead you

to this room


if you walked up to the control panel it would glow a red light and a alarm would play,

after that you would walk back to the other room you started in, trying to walk to the exit,

however before you reach it a hole in the wall would appear with a explosion sound, a grass textured humanoid would run out of it and towards you, upon touching you, the game would end.

yup thats literally it, anyways i hope you enjoyed this little malos using unreal back in the day story,

the build of this game is sadly long gone with only these 2 screenshots existing, so you also kinda got lost media? idk hopfully you found this interesting,

oh btw there is another lost game i made in unreal that never released... might talk about that if you guys want me to,

for now tho, bye



Next up

woah look! Ih-ihs totally 100% released showman's 1 hour ago!

so as some of you may remember, I first started making games on unreal 5, later abandoned it and moved to clickteam where I now make fnaf fangames (read article)

I wanna make a iceberg about myself & my games but I feel like thats too egotistical so that probably wont happen, only interested in doing that because I have some interesting history to share


hey everyone my friend whitebun made a review again, look at if you want or dont, its your choice.


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you...

OhSuit. He wears a springlock suit of Spring Case, and if he does a big stomp he activates the springlocks and turns into Casetrap.

new logo because disamol hated the old one.

my new favorite fnaf fangame, made by @RedDot124 , check it out! im sure you'll get a chuckle from it


Introducing Director's Cut... (read article)