Sonic Stranger
11 months ago

bad news: i dont know how to make wall climbing mechanics for knuckles(

but I will try to come up with something, or as an excuse to make the chapter more ambitious and come up with some other mechanics



Next up

Обновлëнное меню игры

decided to play a little

but that doesn't mean "wow, it's coming out soon!")

At the moment, the game is in the freeze (busy with another project), so that the game does not finally die, here is art Knuckles. I will also release a small patch soon, but in the meantime, if anyone is interested, you can subscribe to my new project.

The last (probably) build of the game Sonic Stranger was released, in which bugs were slightly fixed, and small Easter eggs were also added. The game will be frozen due to lack of time to work on the game(. Happy New Year!!!

Тизер 3-й главы!


Буквально через пару месяцев игре исполнится целый год (если учитывать со старой версией игры)... Как же быстро летит время...

Загадки? Да, это они!

A small patch for the game has been released!

Знаете как я его нарисовал? Набрал в интернете "Паук вид снизу"... Это было тяжело...