𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧
11 months ago

Bad News - We have no more main visual artists now.

I am here to say that unfortunately we have no longer the assinstance of our main visual artist who worked on the game. Recently she, the artist, lost her brother in a fatal car crash accident. After that she fell in depression and has no more will to work on our project and i understand that completely. We do not force any of our employees to continue when such tragidies happen. Said that, i am sad to say that the project has no future without a visual artist now and we have no idea what to do next. Finding a suitable visual 2D artist is really hard and especially that fits our small budged. For now this is it, maybe we will come up with something soon, stay safe.



Next up

Got back my Twitter/X account. I dont really use it much, besides following certain artists and Ed Boon and RockstarGames dripFeed news but i will try to also publish some content that iam not allowed to post here.

Whiskers - Definitive Edition News. Short graphics comparison with original game and Demo release date - 1st December.

Whiskers wishes to all of you Merry Christmas!

So I changed the color of the walls and added a roof.

I have my own Instagram and TikTok acounts now. Mainly Created in order to start to capitalize on my content as i intend to share my creations everywhere i can. Aiming just to share for wider audiences and find a way to get some revenue. @k.azovsky

Its so cool that Mr.Whiskers (Whiskers), whom my new reborn version is inpired to, has its own pages on Ultimate Evil Wiki, Villains Wiki and Pure Evil Wiki. Worthy character and glad its being recognized among other villains. You didnt see new one yet

Why I think Valve Will Not Make Major Updates to Team Fortress 2 and Address Its Issues

Arcade Room Inspired by GTA Universe attributes. WIP

You know, just thinkin. :)

Managed to create my own Patreon page for people who are interested into support me financially with recieving exclusive benefits that are not available for GJ followers. Mainly only a very simple tier, but i will soon update it with enhancements :)