4 years ago

badtime files chapter 10

Narrator: After a few hours of getting to know each other the funtimes heard a large collection of voices coming from outside

Bonbon: Hold on let me see what this is

Narrator: So bon bon peaked out of the curtains to see a large group of people with chara in front of them trying to calm them down

Chara: Listen all of you please stop this now can’t you see what your doing

People: get out of the way and let us at our reward

Chara: you’ll regret it

Narrator: the people started to throw things at chara it was at this point bon bon started to narrate what was happening. The funtimes decided to do something about it

Chara: stop this at once!

People: move!

Chara: I will no---

Ennard: You want us come and get us!

Narrator: the funtimes opened the door behind chara and were ready to fight

Chara: I told you, you would regret this

Narrator: chara moved out of they way and the battle began
the funtimes dispersed and took on different sides badtime bart led a group behind him he ran around with the people chasing him

Badtime bart: Come on ye wee jesse’s I can run faster on me hands!

Narrator: He ran around one more corner where funtime mange was waiting. She then took off her glasses and hypnotized the entire crowd. All of a sudden funtime mange was getting all the back scratches and belly rubs she wanted.

Badtime bar: Well that's one way to do it

Narrator: Ballora and badtime ballora took to the skies to draw away any bullets the dipped dove spun and dodged bullets rocks nets occasionally picking someone off the ground and throwing them far away. Meanwhile more and more people were running away from the dozens of rat and mosquito bites they were getting

Badtime ballora: Not bad for a funtime

Ballora: You're okay for a badtime I guess

Narrator: on the ground unnamed and funtime oliv were plowing right through the middle of the crowd. Unnamed had funtime oliv riding on his back he was waving his blades in front of him to clear a path he had one of olivs heads on his own breathing gas deterring everyone away,and those who stayed were burned when the gas was lit by oliv

Unnamed: Burn bun

Funtime oliv: Sizzle sizzle

Narrator: funtime fredric and badtime brandi were behind a fence and were shooting lasers from a distance, they even made a game out of it


Badtime brandi: ha head shot I’m in the lead

Funtime fredric: not for long

Narrator: Baby and badtime baby were hanging back trying to avoid confrontation. However baby looked up into the sky to see that a few people managed to get lucky shots on ballora and badtime ballora and they were falling fast. Baby knew she needed to get to them quickly but there was only one way and she did not like it.

Baby: scrap?

Scrap: yes

Baby: I am about to say something I may never say again but… you see the balloras over there I need to get to them. Soo get me to them

Scrap: do I get to--

Baby: go nuts

narrator: in a flash scrap took out her claw and wheels and did exactly what baby said she went nuts. Heads flew, bodies were crushed, everything either ran away or was destroyed she ran through her own bloody path until she got to the baloras and she used her claw to gently pluck them out of the air

Scrap: that felt great

Baby: ew ew ew

Scrap: come on you love it

Baby: do not!

Narrator: baby held the ballora's in her arms and rushed them into the house, in there bookworm took them and tended to their wounds

Bookworm: I see you’ve been busy

Baby: I don’t want to talk about it

Narrator: the ennard and badtime ennard were out there just generally kicking ass. Badtime ennard was picking up and and throwing people all around and ennard was electrocuting anyone who got close.

Badtime ennard: Und zat is for zinking for a moment I vould go down easy

Ennard: I know and you probably made some Asian guy’s day

Badtime ennard: Ya vell I can at least make mien relationship vork

Ennard: What is that supposed to mean

Badtime ennard: Oh please ve all know zat you have ze hots for ze bal gal but only von problemo she loves bugs und you are a living bug zapper

Ennard: I am not

Narrator: Right at that moment a butterfly flew into him was electrocuted and died

Badtime ennard: see mien point

Ennard: that was a one time thing

Badtime ennard: Zen I guess you have not looked down recently

Narrator: he looked at his feet to see a few dead bugs scattered about from flying into him

Ennard: well you can just… you can… ah screw of ya freakin Nazi

Badtime ennard: vow you're a grade a asshole aren't you I hear women don’t like zat in men

Ennard: screw you you’re only in a relationship because she likes to (beep) your tentacles

Badtime ennard: even if zat vas zet case VICH IT IS NOT at least I have something likable about me, for example ballora vas just shot out of ze sky und you are here arguing viz me

Ennard: wait what

Badtime ennard: ya you might vont to check on her

Narrator: so off he went to go see the her. at the same time the crowd of people (or at least the ones that aren't dead) ran away cutting their losses. However within the smoke four figures appear.

Persephone: funtimes give up now or you will be in a world of pain in which you are not familiar

Badtime bart: and what are ye gonna do ya wee jesse

Persephone: zenith show him were serious

Zenith: With pleasure

Narrator: zenith then created a small earthquake by waving his arm knocking the funtimes down

Persephone: now taen a little wind to gather them all together

Jaren: Of course

Narrator: taen raised his hands and blew all of the funtimes back with a powerful gust of wind

Persephone: audrey gather them together

Audrey: consider it done

Narrator: audrey then flung her arms forward and a wave of water engulfed them

Persephone: and now for the finishing touch

Narrator: Persephone raised her hands to her sides and portals appeared and transported them to a cage on wheels behind them. All the funtimes were caught except for baby who was strangely missing,the empress who was up in her room meditating this whole time ,ennard, and the balloras which were inside being tended to.

Persephone: and now we shall take our leave

Narrator: At that moment persephone created a portal that warped her and the funtimes away

Valiant:what just happened?

Chara: something that they will pay for

Narrator: at that point char was staring blankly but he/she seemed to be forming words as if he/she was communicating with somebody

Valiant: the hell are you having a weird stroke or something

Chara: I have contacted the magician trio and told them to find them

Valiant: who are they

Chara: spring ,alfred,and chris,my three apprentices I taught them all of their skills and gave them all their powers and in return they do tasks whenever I ask. We can speak with each other through our minds they are on their way to get the funtimes back

Valiant: hey now that I think about it I did not see baby in that group that was taken off in fact I have not seen her since the fight started

Chara: well then…

Narrator: chara repeated the action he/she did to call the magician trio

Chara: okay change of plans I have the magician trio tracking down baby

Valiant: but what about the other funtimes?


Empress: yes?

Chara: go and find the other funtimes and bring them back please

Empress: yes sir?...maim? What am I supposed to refer to you as?

Chara: chara, now get going

Narrator: the empress ran out of the house to find the funtimes. She grew to a intimidating size as she ran to ensure she will get the job done.




Next up

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