4 years ago

badtime files chapter 12

Narrator: baby woke up the next mourning to see a chip ling at the bottom of her water glass as well as a note next to it the note read

Scraps note: dear baby if you are reading this then I am dead at the bottom of your water glass, or you drank the water and I am currently about halfway through your digestive system. Either way I am dead, you see I went to william last night to get a new job because deep down I felt a little sorry for what I was doing to you. However I met with william only to bet met with cruelty and insults so on my way back I decided to make the best decision for you. You see ever since the beginning william has been using me to track you that is why time and time again he has been able to find you again and again and again so I decided to jump into this cup of water to save you, the water will fry my circuits and deactivate me including the tracker so now you will not have to worry about william finding you again (I hope). However I have left you a gift you may not see it now but you will soon enough.

Best wishes scrap

P.s If it is not to much to ask I would like to be buried in front of the place where we were first “introduced” you should know what I am talking about

Narrator: baby was surprised about the results of the letter, a wave of sadness, shock, and a pinch of relief flew over her, but she thought she owed it to her to grant her final wish

Baby: reukra I have something...important I need to do

Reukra: alright but be careful you know with the bounty on your head and everything

Baby: I will and I will be back before noon

Rukra: it’s 11:30

Baby: okay maybe a little later

Narrator: and so she set off running through the town trying to be as quick as possible but baby was getting a little anxious

Baby: oh this is so dangerous I wish I could make this go faster

Narrator: all of a sudden the wheels on her feet appeared and she began to roll through the town as if on roller skates

Baby: how is this happening I thought that only scrap could do this… is this the gift she was talking about? If that is the case then could she have left me--

Narrator: baby had tripped on a pebble in her path and was about to fall face first onto the pavement she reached out her hand and suddenly the same claw that she thought only scrap could use deployed and grabbed onto a nearby light post allowing her to pull herself up from the fall

Baby: she did it she actually did it she gave me her powers to use

Narrator: baby skated through the city and even climbed walls with her newfound wheels and skated on the tops of buildings she made her way to the far outskirts of town and into the woods on the outermost layer she skated for awhile after that until coming across a building in the middle of the woods it was obviously a few years old. Baby went up to the building and blew the layer of dust off of revealing the name of the location “chara and william labs” she walked in to see what happened to the place after being abandoned for about five years

Baby: hmm it's been awhile since I have been here

Narrator: she walked through the building and came across a small bedroom nothing was there except a bed a set of empty drawers and a framed picture of william and chara standing in front of the place looking like it had just been built.

Baby: what happened to you two before I was born

Narrator: baby left the room and moved on to a large room with it’s walls and floors covered in foam padding

Baby: I remember playing here, and I remember that this is where me and scrap first met

Narrator: she began to look at the room as her introduction to scrap replayed in her head she could almost feel williams cane slamming into her face as the moment replayed in her head. Baby walked through the room looking through memories of her past, when looking through she remembered something. She remembered chara going into a secret hatch underneath one of the mats she moved the mat and found the secret hatch she opened the hatch and climbed down to a secret room guarded by a password protected door there where 26 numbers on the keypad next to the door each one representing a letter of the alphabet with the only clue being “the love of my life” baby thought for a bit and typed in 6,21,14,20,10,13,5,19 and the door opened she walked through the door to see quite a sight each of its five walls were covered in baby’s,ballora's,funtime manges,funtime fredrics,and funtime olivs all deactivated. Baby wandered through the room speechless until coming across a desk with a letter on it she read

Chara's letter: hello future chara I am past chara if you are here one of the funtimes have passed, oh what a pity anyway here is a reminder of restarting the process

Step one: take memory chip out of the head of said deceased funtime

Step two find replacement body

Step three : place memory chip inside the mind of new vessel

Step four: wait 24 hours for memories to download

Step five: re raise said funtime and ever tell them about this room or there probably tragic death
After this you can go back to pretending nothing happened

Narrator: baby was taken aback by this discovery and was forming some questions for chara later. She walked out of the building to do what she set out to do. She made a small hole in the ground and began to cry as she placed the small chip with scrap inside inside it she was about to start saying things about scrap when she was interrupted by a voice

william: I’m sorry am I interrupting something




Next up

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