4 years ago

badtime files chapter 13

Narrator: baby turned around to see william himself staring back at her. She had almost forgotten about what he looked like for she did not see him often, she only saw and experienced his actions and orders. William had a quite unsettling appearance about three years back william was trapped in one of his robotic suits due to a technical error and he technically died in that suit however even though he’s dead he continues on, according to chara it has something to do with his spirit or ghost or something along those lines. His suit had seen better days for the suit is far older than it seems it was originally colored gold but over time it faded into an ugly green color it has wear and tear all over it allowing small but meaningful looks inside to see his disfigured and mangled body, or at least what is left of it. The suit had a few dried blood stains on it but they were not too noticeable for william(despite being a reanimated corpse) still tries to look as best as he can. This appearance was a chilling reminder that intimidated baby a little bit.

Baby: how did you find me

William: well you see this is actually quite the coincidence I was just visiting the old workshop to see what came of the place only to find you. I mean what are the odds that I would meet you here it almost seems like I am destined to kick your ass right here, I mean I wish I had prepared for this because right now I have no means of taking you back to my home, I knew I had a gut feeling to bring my big car but no I had to go with the convertible. Anyway back on topic what brings you here

Baby: well because of the things you said to her scrap killed herself, her final wish was for me to bury her in front of the place where we were “introduced”

William: oh what a shame I really do apologize for interrupting after all I do have a sacred respect for the deceased after all I am deceased myself. so finish your little funeral, and then I will kick your ass okay

Baby: really? Okay

Narrator: baby continued the ceremony as she planned william even said a few words and some of them were actually sincere

William: alright now that that’s over with shall we get to the part where I kick your ass

Baby: um sure? Do we have to?

William: well I thought you would be more inclined to fight me

Baby: I mean I try and avoid confrontation… but now that I’m thinking about it I am getting angrier just by looking at you

William: good so this won't be as awkward

Narrator: baby and william stared each other down trying to intimidate each other, william's eyes even started to glow red to add to the effect. Then the two ran at each other taking turns with blow after blow on each other, the fight did not seem one sided william was definitely faster and was able to avoid baby’s claw while getting in the occasional cheap shot or low blow. However baby was far more powerful and could take more of a beating than william. Eventually baby got lucky and grabbed william by the leg and threw him as hard as she could into a tree. William's right arm popped off on impact leaving him a little discombobulated. He looked at the area where his arm used to be only the bone remained in a sharpened point, he rushed forward again avoiding baby’s attacks until he got close enough to stab baby right in the knee with his pointed bone. Baby fell to the ground in pain and william walked up to her face.

William: I guess you can say this fight cost an arm and a leg eh haha, anyway I would love to stay and continue opening a can of whoop ass on you but I have things to attend to you know being a politician and all and if I had the tools or crew I would snatch you up and bring you home in a heartbeat. So consider yourself a lucky little girl for I will let you go... this time, anyway bye bye

Narrator: and so william walked off with one less arm to his car and drove away, while baby got up and started to limp her way back to reukra's house. She used the wheels on the bottom of her foot to make the journey back a little less painful. And while she was lucky that william did not have any vehicles, weapons, or crew to help him and that he was nice enough to let her go she still felt defeated inside.




Next up

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My thoughts

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