4 years ago

badtime files chapter 3

Specimen 3
Name: ?
Height:4ft 5in
status: aggressive
Head researcher:lukis loud
Day 3

Lukis: I rode the elevator up to spacemen 3’s room oddly enough this specimen does not have a name so until further notice I will refer to him as spacemen 3. When I reached his room he was just standing there with what would be his hands together and his eyes closed. It was hard to tell if he was sleeping or praying… that is until he started snoring. Speaking of hands he does not have any on the ends of his arms are these large discs with blades around the edges. They looked like a mix of symbols and razors. He was not humanoid like the other badtimes. He had an abdomen with four legs each with a suction cup on the end. Sprouting from his abdomen was his neck and connected to his neck was his rather large head. All of his facial features were very large compared to humans. Excuse me! Can I have your attention! His eyes opened and revealed that they were completely black. His head turned all the way around and when his head came back his eyes had small glowing red pupils he scanned the room with his eyes and he locked on to mine, a chill went down my spine then his two “hands” separated and went to his sides. His head tilted to the right slightly and his hands clashed together making a loud (clash) sound. Excus- (CLASH) can I-- (CLASH) HEY BUDDY CAN YOU LET ME FIN--(CLASH) at that point I stopped talking. The clashing grew louder and faster until the noise drowned out everything and I could even feel the building shake. After a few minutes he stopped his arms went all the way back, as far as they could go and he clashed them together so hard that I could see the sound wave. I fell over from the force of impact and right when I fell spacemen 3 charged at me full speed. He stuck one of his “hands” in between the bars and tried to slice me open, I moved out of the way and he turned his “hand” and started cutting through the bars his other “hand” came in and started to try and cut me. This went on for about 5 minutes. After that he started to slow down and retreat back to the water station(each room has a straw connected to a large water tank ) he drank what seemed like a gallon of water before he stopped. Steam flew out of his nose and mouth. “You good”

Unnamed: yea I’m good

Lukis: he said in his Brooklyn accent. I just want to ask a few questions

Unnamed: ask away.

Interview begin

Lukis: so do you have a name

Unnamed: My friends call me unnamed my creator called me you

Lukis: what?

Unnamed: ya know like “hey you get your useless ass over here”

Lukis: okay so what was with you freaking out on me a second ago

Unnamed: I was not to fond of you yellin at me

Lukis: You could have said something

Unnamed: I apologize for my actions it’s just that hearing loud noises brings me back to those times

Lukis: What do you mean

unnamed: Back in the darkness I was not well recognized by my creator. He only acknowledged me when I did somthin wrong and when I did do something wrong he would torment my sensitive ears with loud and disturbing noises

Lukis: I am really sorry

Unnamed: Ah it’s nothin besides bookworm is a quite the improvement

Lukis: What was with that clashing noise you were making

Unnamed: It is partially a way of drowning out the sound and partially a call for help

Lukis: I see that there is a lot of webbing around the room, was that you

Unnamed: Nah it was an army of spiders,of course it was me I mean I look like a giant spider anyway

Lukis: Sorry just asking

Unnamed: Ah whatever I’m goin back ta sleep

Lukis: But wait I have more---

Unnamed: (snore)

Lukis: Oh forget it

Interview end

Bookworms notes
Sadly this badtime does not have a known name he prefers to be called “unnamed” but I will call him sid. He does not respond to this name but it is a name nonetheless. He has quite the unique appearance, unlike the other badimtes and funtimes for that matter he is not humanoid he looks more like a spider or some other type of invertebrate. In fact I did some tests to see if he could be classified as an invertebrate...he is not, but any information is good information in this scenario.




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