4 years ago

badtime files chapter 6

Specimen 6
Name: badtime baby
Height: 10ft
Weight: 400lbs
Status: lethal
Head researcher: vicky tum
Day 6

Vicky: I went down the elevator, all the way down to the bottom floor “the basement” as it is known as by the employees mostly because the lights have been destroyed by badtime baby. I have with me two tools a blacklight flashlight, I needed this because badtime baby becomes completely invisible in the dark and I don’t mean she is hard to see I mean she is literally invisible. The only way of seeing her in the dark is with a blacklight. I don’t know how they found this out but it is useful information nonetheless. The hatchet is for...well I hear she is very aggressive. I have reached the bottom floor and I turn on my light I scan the area in front of me, however, I could not see her “ those employees must've lied to me I thought. Suddenly I felt something bash on the bars behind me I turned and nothing was there I turned back around and turned on my light. And I saw her running full force into the elevator, the bars shattered from her immense power, once inside she grabbed me by the neck I raised my light to see that I was face to face with her. Her head tilted to the side slightly the beginnings of a smile formed at the sides of her mouth,and her grip tightened, I could not breathe. She lifted me up above her head until I was right above her now open mouth,her teeth were blue and she was drooling black saliva while her hair was blood red,and her eyes a neon green(however that could have been the blacklight effect) he teeth began to gnash and she started to slowly lower me into her mouth feet first, on further inspection I could see she had another set of teeth about midway through her mouth they started to spin around like an electric saw I could see then that these teeth were going to reduce me to a bloody pulp. I tried to scream but her grip was so strong that no sound could escape. I saw my feet begin to dangle into her mouth but right before she bit down her head started to shake violently and her mouth started to form words. She said

Badtime baby: he...help m...me

Vicky: But all of a sudden her head shook again and she was back to trying to kill me. I was about to lose consciousness when I felt something grab me from behind and pull me up. I gasped for air and turned around I saw that badtime ennard had reached down and grabbed me from the floor above. Badtime baby was not done and she jumped up and grabbed the bars and ripped them off the side as she climbed into ennard's room while he pulled me in, once in the light she became fully visible she was tall and large with thick arms and legs a slightly torn shirt with a big black W on it(this was a feature all of the badtimes had they just refuse to mention or acknowledge its existence). Around her waist was a spiky pink dress. Her teeth were red as well as her saliva which was still trickling from her mouth. Her hair was jet black and in two messy frizzy pigtails. She had a large scar on her shoulder, seen through a tear in her shirt. Badtime ennard squared up with her, his tentacles were almost fully extended, suddenly four of his arms rushed forward while the other four went and played a fast-paced tune on his instruments. baby would try and punch, bite, and grab him but he would always move out of the way just in time. His movements followed the rhythm of his music as if he was dancing with her. However, he eventually tripped when avoiding her attack allowing her to bite down into his arm she thrashed her head side to side and threw him against the wall she then tuned to me and started to make her way forward but before she got very far badtime ennard got up dug his claws into her back and shocked her with who knows how many volts she spazzed out for a second before falling onto the floor unconscious. He then turned to me and said

Badtime ennard: ze hatchet NOW!!.

Vicky: I start scrambling trying to reach the hatchet in my back pocket, suddenly he yells

Badtime ennard: TOO SLOW!

Vickey: He then grabbed me pulled the hatchet out of my pocket tossed me aside and hacked of one of his tentacles(the one badtime baby had bitten). The arm disintegrated on the ground right before me. “Are you okay” I asked.

Badtime ennard: yes I vill be fine.

Vicky: Why did you just hack off your arm?

Badtime ennard: badtime baby’s teeth are coated in poison und if I did not hack of mien arm zen it vould have killed me.

Vicky: Why is badtime baby so aggressive?

Badtime ennard: Hard to say vatever villiam did it vas… quite extreme.

Vicky: Will your arm grow back.

Badtime ennard: yes mien arm vill regrow in a couple of weeks a month at most.

Vicky: Why do you all have giant W’s on your body?

Badtime ennard: Zat vas villiams vay of telling us zat ve vere his property und zat ve belong to him.

Vicky: If you don’t mind me asking what was it like living with... is it william or villiam I can’t tell with your accent.

Badtime ennard: ze first one.

Vicky: So its william.

Badtime ennard: ya.

Vicky: Anyway what was it like living under him?

Badtime ennard: Ven ven vere created ve vere very tiny only a fraction of vat ve are now. Ve vere also not as vicked as ve are now but as time went on ze slivers of humanity ve had shrunk to a smaller und smaller size. Ze only one zat did not give in she vas alvays ze nice und optimistic one, vy I vill even say zat she kept me going und I vill admit zere was a pinch of love between us. one day however I overheard villiam talking viz some of his cronies saying zings like “zat baby one she has failed me time und time again” he then held up a vile viz a skull and crossbones” this will take care of zat” I was about to sneak into the room und steal ze viles but I heard him put up another vile und he said “vell I vould hate to have all of zat money go to vaste this combined viz a special device should do ze trick”ze very next day villiam took badtime baby into his lab and she came out the giant monster you see today. She chased him out of the lab,he was holding an ax (which he had named Tracey) and stared he down, she charged but he stopped her charge by cutting her ax deep into her shoulder, she fell to ze floor before getting back up, she charged again and this time he slid underneath her and cut her right in ze back of ze leg joint, she fell over and roared in pain,defeated, I vas next I looked on ze floor of his lab und zer ver zree empty viles on ze floor. He pinned me down viz one hand und injected me viz ze serum viz ze ozer he used zree viles on me,suddenly I grew und grew und grew until I vas ze size you see me at today. He only had five viles left afterwards he used one on badtime bart,badimte brandi,und unnamed,he also used two on batime ballora. ve saw vat he did to badtime baby und none of us vanted to fight back against him.from zere ve vere assigned to our specific jobs, und as for baby she became villiams hitman,he vould keep her on a chain leash und venever zey did not give him vat he vanted vell you got a first-hand experience of vat happened to zem. Zat vas how it vas for avile until he started to develop new ones, we became obsolete und so he left us in a cage on a beach at low tide und high tide vould have sealed our fate if chara,bookvorm und ze funtimes did not find us first. Ve vere intrusted to bookvorm und ze rest is history.

Vicky: Wow I..I am really sorry you had to go through so much.

Badtime ennard: Yes but viz all of zat aside I still have von more zing to tend to so could you hold open baby’s mouth,and please don’t touch her teeth unlike mine your arms don’t grow back.

Vicky: O..okay I said and did as he told.

Badtime ennard: Now keep her steady.

Vicky: he said as he reached down her throat suddenly he stopped.

Badtime ennard: I knew it!

Vicky: He yelled in victory he started to pull and pull until he flung backward with something in his hand. He looked at it looked at her and he started to play an exited an victorious tune on the trumpet.I examined the device while he was celebrating it was in a disk shape and had needles all around the sides all seeping some black liquid from the tips. How did you know that was in there.

Badtime ennard: I vas just testing a hypothesis,you see I knew zat it vas some sort of device causing zis und I also know zat she has a hard time eating solid food so I put two und two together und tested mien zerory und I vas right haha. She should get better soon I zink.

Vicky: I turned to her and almost on cue I could see her lips spell out

Badtime baby: th...thank y...you

Vicky: before going back to sleep. “I guess my work here is done.”

Badtime ennard: Ya I believe it is zank you for your assistance. Shall I send you up the elevator shaft.

Vicky: The elevator was broken so there was no other way up. “Yes, but how are you going to get me back up.” He then grabbed me and started climbing up the elevator shaft. But he went past the floor he was supposed to drop me onto. wait you missed it.

Badtime ennard: I have to tell ze ozer ze good news.

Vicky: He then climbed to the top all the way to badtime ballora's room and he yelled.

Badtime ennard: Ve have cured badtime baby!

Badtime ballora: Really? I thought she was incurable.

Badtime ennard: I did too but I-I mean ve found ze issue und solved the problem ohhh I have to go und tell ze ozers.

Badtime ballora: My little friends are rejoicing all around us.

Narrator: She said as the sound of rhythmic squeaking filled the room. he then went down a level to badtime bart.

Badtime ennard: you are not gonna believe zis.

Badtime bart: one of these bleeding idiots finally got me the whiskey I’ve been asking for?

Badtime ennard: No I have cured badtime baby ,for real, no joke!

Badtime bart: ok great...so no whiskey then?

Badtime ennard: Can you stop zinking wiz your drooling gob for one second to see how amazing it is.

Badtime bart: ye know what yer right squiddy, now's about time for a victory swig.

Narrator: He then pulled out a flask from his shirt and started to chug.

Badtime ennard: Vait you had zat ze whole time und you still asked for more.

badtime bart: well considering the fact that I just finished it yes I did ask for more for this exact (burp) reason.

Badtime ennard: vatever I have more people to show.

Badtime bart: ye-you goooooooo doooo th-that I th-think thi-this stufffffs got a bit of a kick in it. Vicky: He the went down another level to unnamed and told him the same thing.he was asleep so it did not look like he knew but I could see the beginning of a smile form. He went down another level passing the floor he was supposed to drop me off at and went down one more level and told badtime brandi. And she said.

Badtime brandi: Great now I can cash in on all those favors/money she owes me.

Fred fred: (fred fred).

Vicky: he then got over his excitement and brought me back to where he was supposed to drop me off. Quite a crowd had formed after all a specimen had gotten loose and was causing a ruckus, bookworm was at the front of the crowd.

Bookworm: now what is with all of this hullabaloo.

Narrator: He said.

Badtime ennard: Ve fixed badtime baby for real!!!

Bookworm: You did?, wow that is quite the breakthrough, take me to her to see.

Narrator: So they went down the shaft to badtime ennards room. At this point baby had gotten up and was half awake, well she was shifting between being awake and asleep, she would wake up shamble around and and run into a wall and fall over and fall back asleep. She was asleep when bookworm and ennard went down to the room.

Bookworm: so she really is fixed?

Badtime ennard: Ya. I pulled zis device out of her zroat.

Narrator: He pulled out the device and showed it to him.

Bookworm: Hmmm interesting, I will take this to my lab for examination. Please stay in your room and put badtime baby back in hers.

Narrator: he said as he began to slither off. Badtime ennard began to lower badtime baby into her room. She began to turn slightly and a smile formed at her mouth, she was seeming to have a good dream.

Badtime ennard: Shhh my sveet rest for now save your energy for tomorrow, ve have a lot of catching up to do.

Bookworm's old notes

Bookworm's new notes
In progress




Next up

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