4 years ago

badtime files chapter 9

Narrator: After hours of driving valiant and chara made it to valiant's summer home. They pulled up into the driveway.and stopped just in front of the garage. They walked around to the back of the truck and opened it to reveal that all the funtimes had fallen asleep

Chara: Hey hey everyone we're here

Narrator: After hearing that the funtimes slowly woke up and sleepy shambled out of the truck their legs a little numb from sitting for so long

Valiant: Allow me to show you to your rooms, and chara please call bookworm to see how he is doing

Narrator: So they did just that,valiant showed them to a hall that had several rooms on both sides.

Valiant: go ahead pick whatever room you like

Narrator: the funtimes suddenly did not look so tired and rushed into the various rooms, there were 12 rooms in total and six of them were filled when the were done

Valiant: hey where's funtime mange

Narrator: valiant went around looking for mange and he found her curled up on the couch

Valiant: so you would rather sleep here

Funtime mange: mmmmmmm

Valiant: have it your way then

Narrator: he then sat down next to her and turned on the T.V he leaned back and rested his arm on mange, meanwhile chara was on the phone with bookworm

Chara: are you on your way

Bookworm: traffic is a little bad over here I may have to find an inn to stay at for the night but worst-case scenario I will be there early tomorrow

Chara: alright but be careful william has set a pretty high reward on them so be careful

Bookworm: alright thanks for the warning

(hangs up)

Narrator: chara goes back into the house to tell valiant about bookworm

Chara: okay so bookworm will be here either later today or early tomorrow

Valiant: alright, hey it’s getting late should we get some dinner or something

Chara: yea do you have anything here

Valiant: no not really

Chara: Alright I’ll order something then

Narrator: one call and about 45 minutes later

Chara: okay everyone dinner

Narrator: all of sudden the funtimes speed-walked out of their room (they had been asleep for most of the day so they were pretty hungry) once they were all seated valiant took out his notebook the funtimes did not know that he was taking notes on them. These are his notes

eating habits

Funtime mange: does not use utensils eats with her hands/claws prefers meat but will not reject veggies

Ballora: liquids only, does not eat solid food she simply drains the food of all liquids before tossing the husk onto someone else's plate

Funtime oliv: chars food until completely black does not often eat normal food and prefers anything flammable (paper ,wood ,silk, cotton etc)

Funtime fredric and bon bon: whatever one does not eat the other will, it's like some sort of symbiosis in a way

Baby: everything, in large quantity

Ennard:does not eat regular food will instead eat the electricity from batteries, devices,etc DO NOT LET HIM NEAR AN OUTLET

Empress: empties her plate onto baby’s and will just eat the plate itself

Table manners

Funtime mange: unsurprisingly her animal-like behavior continues here

Ballora: very refined and polite even in her unorthodox method of eating

Funtime oliv: quite rude and demanding, chara keeps a spritz bottle on his/her person for discipline

Funtime fredric and bon bon: average nothing special of note, however, it always seems like bon bon is thinking about something

Baby: is quite polite (to the point where you don’t realize how much she has eaten)

Ennard: makes snarky or insulting comments whenever possible but none of the other funtime tells him to stop they just simply ignore him, however sometimes I can hear him whispering to himself but he makes it sound like multiple people are talking. After asking chara I learned that he was communicating with his wires

The empress: exquisite table manners, she is rivaled by no one else in terms of how polite she is

End of notes

Narrator: After dinner, the funtimes explored the rather large house and all of its rooms. Until they came across a room filled with table games (air hockey, Foosball, ping pong etc)

Baby: What is all of this

Valiant: Oh yea me and my friends would always play these at parties, yep back in the day this was quite the party place… of course that was when I had parties.... And friends

Baby: Mind if we play with them

Valiant: Well sure it's not like there any use just sitting there

Narrator: After that valiant left them to amuse themselves while he went to sleep chara watched them for a while before going to bed as well. The next mourning valiant woke up in his bed to a strong force pressing on him, he looked up and found that the empress had made herself comfortable on top of him

Valiant: now I may be wrong but I believe I gave you your own room last night

Empress: I know but this is a queen-size bed and I believe that I should sleep in a queen-size bed

Valiant: okay well even if that is the case why are you sleeping on me

Empress: the rest of the bed is cold and I don’t want to have to reheat it

Valiant: can't you just sleep with chara

Empress:he/she is a little occupied
Narrator: Valiant got up to see what she was talking about and went up to chara's room. All of the funtimes had curled up in chara's bed and through all of them, he could faintly see chara's face still asleep with a smile on his/her face. Valiant went back to his room where the empress had tucked herself into the spot valiant was sleeping in. he tried to ask her to move but she was fast asleep. He tried lifting her up and carrying her to a different room but she was far too heavy, after a while of trying he just gave up and lied down on his bed closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep. Then the doorbell rang. So valiant got up and answered it only to find bookworm waiting for him

Bookworm: Never fear I am finally here

Narrator: He said enthusiastically

Valiant: Yea yea do you have the badtimes with you

Bookworm: No I left them at the motel--of course I have them they are asleep in the truck. I also bought breakfast on the way here. It’s not the most healthy but it will suffice

Narrator: He was referring to the two dozen doughnuts in the passenger seat of the truck. He brought them inside and set them on the table he then went out to the rather large trailer attached to the truck.bookworm slithered down the middle getting to the containment carriers. Each badtime was kept in a small room on the truck with padding on the walls. Each room had retractable wheels on the bottom and the trailer itself had retractable ramps to allow the rooms to safely roll-off. So one by one the unloaded the badtimes and carried them into the house.

Bookworm: Where is chara

Valiant: Still asleep

Bookworm: And I assume that the funtimes are asleep as well

Valiant: Yes they are

Bookworm: well they won’t be for long

Narrator: Bookworm then proceeded to open the doughnut box and immediately the funtimes and badtimes woke up to their favorite treat. But the two groups met each other in the middle and they stopped and stared at each other, they felt a slow wave of joy from seeing their comrades after so long. They walked closer to each other and started engaging in conversation.

Badtime bart: Hello there mangy are ye still acting like a wee doggy

Funtime mange: (bark)

Badtime bart: I’ll take that as a yes

Badtime ballora: Why hello again queen of pests

Ballora: The pleasure is all mine ruler of rodents

Badtime ballora: So have your insects killed any more people with their diseases

Ballora: About as many as your rats

Badtime ballora: Haha never gets old

Unnamed: So have you burned down any houses in recent times

Funtime oliv: Not yet but I can change my mind if you make me mad

Unnamed: Noted

Funtime fredric: Hello well if it isn't the world's worst thief

Badtime brandi: Haha that was the ONE time I have ever been caught

Funtime fredric: Yea because you got too greedy

Fred fred: Fred fred

Ennard: Hey buddy can you toot a horn for me

Badtime ennard: I only play for zose who appreciate mien skills

Ennard: Yea alright tentacle porn whatever you say

Badtime ennard: Zat insult doesn't even make sense

ennard: In Japan it does

Baby: Hey um uh good to see you out of that killer monster phase

Badtime baby: I know it feels so good to just feel everything again. I mean it feels like I was dead or missing for a year until now.

Baby: Good to see you happy

Empress: Everything feels right in the world again

Narrator: They then realized why they all came down to begin with and they stared at the box of doughnuts they each took two (except for the empress who did not want any) and they sat down and talked among each other while eating their doughnuts.
how ever in town something not so sweet was brewing

William: Everyone hear my call for I have found the funtimes location and I have people putting up flyers as we speak. If you want my quite generous reward of $50,000 to $25,000 than follow these directions and bring the funtimes to me (or just keep them and forfeit payment) but go GO and bring them to me

Narrator: After this speech, the town went wild people were gathering their nets nuses guns and more in an attempt to win william's generous prize. However one of william's men (reukra) had other plans

Reukra: Hello everyone I am guessing you're wondering why I brought you all here

Persephone: Yes especially since some of us are mortal enemies

Zenith: Come on so I kidnapped you ONE time--

Persephone: And kept me captive for years doing many unsp--

Reukra: Guys focus you four are the most skilled people I know (as much as I hate to admit it) and I need you to help me

Audrey: I'm sorry but I am going to have to pass. My days of evildoing are behind me I have a kid now for pete's sake.

Reukra: Well wait for me to finish and you might change your mind

Jaren: Yea guys lets let him finish. Ever since those days, I have been living in the woods

Audrey: Fine what’s the job

Reukra: Well you are probably aware of the funtime situation. Well I don't really want william spending all our funds trying to get them so what I want you guys to do is get them for me and bring them to william so we can keep ourselves financially intact

Zenith: What’s in it for us

Reukra: Well zenith one of these funtimes spits gold and other jewels so I can double the reward that william is offering after a few days

Zenith: Man f#ck that I’m just gonna steal it for myself

Reukra: Trust me it is more than a one-man task even with your power you will not be able to do it alone

Zenith: Alright “if you say so” I,m in

Audrey: Me two. I need to pay for parenthood somehow

Taen: Me three I need to pay for a house because I don’t know how much longer I can stand being homeless

Persephone: And I’ll do it too as long a zenith keeps it in his pants

Zenith: No promises

Reukra: Good william has posted their coordinates all over town I can assume you can do the rest

Narrator: After that they all went off but when they started talking with each other it was revealed they had different plans

Zenith: So we are totally going to betray him right

Audrey: Definitely we are going to capture all of the funtimes including the gold spewing one

Jaren: Then we are going to give them to william for the reward (except for the golden one of course)

Audrey: Then we roll in the profits and live like royalty for the rest of our lives

Zenith: Oh I like that plan, but what about the other people trying to get them

Persephone: Trust me with our powers combined hehe that money is practically ours


All: Hahahahahahahaha




Next up

So people have been sharing this around

My thoughts

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