4 years ago

badtime files epilogue

Narrator: baby limped her way through the streets slowly but surely making her way back to reukras house when she walked through a neighborhood all people stopped what they were doing and just stared at her. She looked side to side just to see the same thing parents were trying to get their children inside away from her, she could even see a few of the fathers pull out their guns not like it mattered to her she just walked through ignoring them, ignoring the whispers, the angry faces the concerned stares and the negativity she could feel around her she just walked on leaving a trail of blood and tears in her path. No one went up to her no one shot at her they just stared and each face while different showed a different shade of negativity. After hours of limping and sobbing in pain she finally made it back to reukras house. He was quite surprised to see her so late but he did not ask questions after seeing her wound, he tended to her himself and wrapped it up with some bandages he had. Afterward they sat down and started to watch T.V and what they saw was william giving another speech.

William: citizens of nowheresville I am here to inform you of horrible news. Not only have the funtimes found their way into our cities but they are AGGRESSIVE I mean I am still baring scars from a scrap I had with one earlier today I mean thanks to my wits and fighting skills I fought her off but only by the skin of my teeth I tell you

Narrator: he said while drawing a lot of attention to his missing arm

William: and for those of you who are skeptical and think this is a publicity stunt I have it all on video thanks to my camera eyes

Narrator: he then started to play a video of the fight that took place a few hours before in his perspective as if the footage was coming from his own eye. He left out the part leading up to the fight and he left out what happened afterwards.

Baby: that's not fair (ow) he edited the footage to make me look bad he started that fight (ow)

Reukra: that's politicians for you demonizing a situation to fit their personal gain ugh what a scumbag

William: and because of this new aggression shown by the funtimes I want them gone more than ever so that is why I am doubling the reward to whoever can bring me one of the funtimes $100,000 if alive and $50,000 if dead

Baby: no please

Reukra: well I guess stayin low is more important now than it ever was before, listen kid you can stay here as long as you like, heh any enemy of william is a friend of mine speaking of which I should probably call my buddies and see what the status is on your little friends


Persephone: hello

Reukra: hello presphone I am calling to ask about the status on the funtimes

Persephone: oh yea I have a bit of bad news for ya. You see I had my radio on and I heard that the funtimes have doubled in value so I am afraid to tell you that we are going to turn them into william sorry pleasure double crossing ya bye

(hangs up)

Zenith: oh ya where gonna be drowning in moola by the end of this

Audrey: oh I can finally pay for my son to go to college (and maybe have a little bit to spend for myself left over)

Jaren: yea and I can get a pretty decent house and I can stop eating that wired grass I found that makes me hallucinate… but I mean I might still keep it around… you know to remember old times and such hehe

Persephone: oh and I can’t wait to rub all of my wealth in my sisters stupid face HA now I can finally be better than her

Narrator: all of a sudden a strong force hit the side of the van causing it to tip over and the four bounty hunters to fall out

Zenith: hey what’s the big idea

Empress: unhand my friends at once!

Zenith: its...its the golden one

Persephone: listen up we are not gonna give up th--

Narrator: the empress had grabbed her by her feet and soon grabbed onto her head

Empress: now I would hate to be violent and I would hate to get blood on my armor but if I have to rip you in half I will

Narrator: she emphasized this point but lightly tugging on persephone tot show she was serious zenith tried to help by making a quake from the ground but the empress formed a spear out of gold and threw it into zeniths chest. jaren tried a strong gust of wind but the empress was too dense to be affected, she summoned a storm of gold pebbles and pelted him and audrey with them until they were unconscious on the ground.

Empress: now will you give me my friends

Persephone: nev..er

Empress: okay

Narrator: the empress crushed her hand into a fist crushing several of persephone's bones and tossed her aside. She then picked up the truck with the funtimes and walked off. She looked inside to ask if everyone’s okay and to tell them she was bringing them home

Badtime ennard: oh ve are so happy to see you empy and as much as I vont to go home ve can’t I overheard reukra talking avile ago and he has baby und she needs our help. Oh ya und von more zing reukra is a good guy now so do not kill him when you see him okay

Empress: okay I guess we should go and help her. Do you know how to drive?

Batime ennard: oh ya I can drive zis zing pick it up, get in und I vill handle ze rest

Empress: but wait what about chara ad the others

Badtime ennard: just call zem on ze vay zere und tell zem vat ve are up to

Narrator: and with that the empress picked up the car with the other funtimes shrunk herself down and got in. badtime ennard started up the car and started to drive off into the sunset in search of their lost friend. What will come of our heroes? Will baby recover from her injury? Will badtime ennard and the others reach her in time? Will the balloras survive their injuries? And what does william have in store for the funtimes? All of this and more will be revealed next time in “the funtimes vs the league of evil”
End of book 2



Next up

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So people have been sharing this around

My thoughts