4 years ago

badyime files chapter 4

Specimen 4.1 and 4.2
Names: badtime brandi and fred fred respectively
Height:5ft and 1 ft respectively
Weight: 78 and 1.5 pounds respectively
Status: semi aggressive
Head researcher: taylor port
Day 4

Taylor: I went down the elevator into badtime brandi's room she was just sitting there, waiting.

Badtime brandi: I have been expecting you.

Narrator: She said in her british accent while petting the puppet on her left hand.

Badtime brandi: So what brings you here love?

Narrator: She said with curiosity in her voice.

Taylor: Well I have come to interview you.

Badtime brandi: Well the come on in, have a seat and a cup of tea I have a lot of information in me old noggin.

Taylor: I am sorry but I am not allowed to leave the elevator.

Badtime brandi: Not a problem, if you can’t come to me than I will come to you.

Taylor: At that moment she launched fred fred into the elevator “fred fred” the puppet said right before she appeared in the elevator right in front of me.

Badtime brandi: now then shall we begin?

Interview begin

Taylor: wait how did you do that

Badtime brandi: I am not sure how it works I just know I can do it
Taylor: ok well why does fred fred only say his name

Fred fred: fred fred

Badtime brandi: he has a very basic design meaning a very basic field of knowledge

Taylor: all the other badtimes talked about how your creator treated them, was you any different

Badtime brandi: well I think he favored me because he seemed to treat me better than most of the others. I think I was one of his favorites

Taylor: What was your position when you were under your creator's control

Badtime brandi: I was the stealth operative I would sneak into enemy bases and steal items and information and I was never caught… well, one time but that was it. Whenever I completed a task he paid me a little money and in the end that is all I need.

Taylor: what did you do with your money

Badtime brandi: well the other badtimes were not paid very well if at all so I would buy them what they wanted in return for a return payment or favors

Taylor: what do you do now

Badtime brandi: I am a dealer of … items

Taylor: what items

Badtime brandi: whatever I don’t want I sell, anything I do want I buy

Taylor: what do you think about the other badtimes
Badtime brandi: well I am completely neutral about all of them (aside from the ones that owe me money or favors) but now that I can’t make money off of them what’s the point of keeping them around

Taylor: is money all you care about

Badtime brandi: for the most part but I still have standards I mean it's not like I will sell away secrets about me and my fellow badtimes

Taylor: Why do you and the other badtimes have different accents

Badtime brandi: our creator tampered with our vocal cords so when we were created we were born with our accents

Taylor: Oh ok

Badtime brandi: alright I am bored see you later
Narrator: She then teleported out of the elevator back into her room

Badtime brandi: I could escape any time I want but there are still important things to find around here

End interview

Bookworms notes

Badtime brandi is rather greedy more than once I have found money from my wallet missing because of her. Also most of the other badtimes owe her money or favors. She once rode sid like a horse around the house for a week because he owed her a favor. She also seems to be the dealer of alcohol and other substances to not only the other badtimes but even some of my coworkers. She has gotten me in trouble with my boss for dealing illegal substances within the building. No matter how many times I scold and punish her she does not listen to me. The only way I have gotten her to stop is to pay her. I shudder at the thought of what she will become down the road



Next up

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