Ballplay Cupid

3 years ago

BallPlay future

Like I said before, I plan to unattach ALL my games from the GJ API and once that's done I may plan my departure from Game Jolt, as I've had enough of this place and what it has become.

For BallPlay things are a bit different as with my other games though. BallPlay is a game that has by far the most instalments than any other game of mine. Now I did find the data for "BallPlay for Windows" (one of my first Windows games in BlitzBasic), BallPlay Genius and BallPlay Cupid and perhaps I should also be able to find the data of BallPlay Maxium. Perhaps I can even find older instalments for DOS.

The current plan (not a promise, but a plan) is to bundle all the puzzles of these games together and convert the puzzles so they can be read by one engine. This for several reasons. Except for BP-Cupid all games were written in the Blitz family. No the original BlitzBasic does still appear stable, but BlitzMax is not working on me anymore, making maintenance and preservation for the future hard. And I also want to step out of the LOVE2D community. This way I can also easily set things right to come for everything. Since all games use a different file format for the puzzles, that could be my biggest challenge, but that's a later concern.

There is no set start date nor ETA planned yet. When this is completed, earlier instalments of the game may be removed.

I am not yet fully sure whether to write the new game in pure C++ or to use the Apollo engine for this. I think the former will be it. I also cannot promise the new version will be there on GJ either, but it will surely be on itch which is my primary site for all games of mine now.

I also have other projects open now that require more attention, and also have priority. So a lot is uncertain at this point, but at least, you're updated now.



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