see those?
@JocelynTheWolfisback ban evasion is a crime! you should know better but its so sad that your IQ is so damn bad that even your grammar struggles to keep up, you overgrown baby
many told you to stop, go away and shut up but you're too stubborn and ignorant to think and too braindead to realize that you did bad shit, gr00med other users and harassed people and banned them for no reason
so stop saying "Why i get reported for no reason" or something like that, you aint no better and also i aint getting grounded you moron

thats not even enough of the proofs of what you did and say... its only the tip of the iceberg of your own misdeeds and mistakes.... and the only mistake is you being here in this platform...
you cant escape your own karma because its a restless predator hunting its victims, and one of them is you
the exposing document: