6 months ago
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Sanctus In Machina
What happened to you...
WHat'S WRonG, BiG BrOTHEr?
Murder Drones: Solved Murder
Two Episode premiere right now.
So I'm proud of myself for making this ARG, which I WILL pour my heart and soul into, trust me this time, unlike most of my ARGs which got delayed and delayed and delayed , like my roblox ARG.
It Wasn'T EnouGH tO BEAT UZi.
I NEEd mOrE.
He is guilty of using tear gas on the city of New York, 17 accounts of first degree murder , 16 accounts of second degree murder , 100 accounts of third degree murder , genocide , and holding a salmon suspiciously
The most wholesome conversation in the entirety of all the sent texts
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