That Week at Freddy's 2 Where Origins Lie

11 days ago

BB and JJ are finished




Next up

chat does this mean LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE is involved in my games well the answer is a resounding yes

(the shadow animatronics are actually super important other than helping the other souls move on)

WIP for Prototype Rabbit (in-cannon she's an "unfinished" animatronic so she has missing hands)

the main stage renders are done

(I'm remaking all of the models and renders for TWaF 2)

here's Millie's main jumpscare

another Prototype Rabbit WIP

(she's mostly brown since i couldn't figure out a good colour for her since blue/purple is Bonnie, yellow/gold is springbonnie, green is springtrap and red/orange is Glitch (OC in HWaB)

#CircusOfNightmares #HWaB

Toy Bonnie's done

(Toy Freddy is also done but I haven't made a render)

toy Chica's overhaul is almost done (the rig isn't finished)

toy Freddy WIP

I've lost all of the other models for TWaF 2 so the toy's will be completely overhauled (unless I can find their models somewhere)

here's unwithered Prototype Rabbit