🍄Five🍎Nights🌴at🍕Sonic's🌎World🌟3D🌟Reuploaded✨[OFFICIAL PAGE]
1 month ago

Been focusing a ton on FNaS World demo6, might be finished soon, I will give out a release date when I'm prepared to give one, but yea we can start hyping as night mode is just about to be functional enough for demo6 :D



Next up

First commission art for @PiracyGolem101 !

That's right, this is my first paid commission art! It was awesome to see it come along, Commissions are still open too if more people are interested!

FNaS World 3D Reuploaded page has a brand new banner, check it out!

New FNaS World 3D characters reveal!

read log for information.

The FNaS Endos: So I tried my hand at designing the toys' endos (Except for Taingle's full body, 'cause it's a mess. Also Luiginette, 'cause he's in limbo if he's a clone, a robot or a puppet. And I ain't gonna guess. Without a further apu, the article.

omg overdue reference?!

idk i felt like posting a random render, toasty is a silly creature to exist

i made this bc DEMO6 is coming


"Hi PS2ward!"

If you want me to draw a character for you, I just set up the prices for commissions!

The money I would get would be used to things such as paying bills.

If anyone's up for commissioning me, let me know!

Knock-knock, loading screens with character jokes are BACK!

Now we can once again see quotes for our favorite FNaS characters! Here are a few of them!

A new item on the menu is here, Gallery!

what gallery will bring is some basic info about the characters who are not used in any FNaS game, this way we can learn more about them!