Pixel Art - Mash-Up
4 years ago

Been going over some new ideas! Have a new main menu and start menu design in mind. Also have a couple different gameplay modes being tossed around in my brain.

Finishing up the balance phase on all the current enemies first. #action #adventure #fighting



Next up

Don't have a game screenshot for #ScreenShotSaturday. So instead here is a screenshot of me backing up files!

Don't forget how important it is to keep backups!

Nothing like some tense action in the morning! #fighting #action

Its funny what happens when you forget one line of code!

#fighter #action #survival

Pixel Art - Mash-Up - Update

Tons of new changes. Check the build notes =)

Another balance pass, in favor of the player!

The game is getting closer to a playable build for testing. I plan to add multiple different game modes. Arcade, Endurance, and Tournament

Soon to be on Steam.

Shoobies leave a sticky trail of mucus in their wake, which can impede movement for any creature that steps in it.



Ibuki Mioda!