Five Nights at Nintendo Land 2 (UNOFFICIAL)
3 months ago

Before I do what is (probably) going to be the final update I want to know what y'all think of the game.

What you like, what you don't like, what could be improved, etc.

Ofc not everything can be changed at this stage but I can improve some stuff.



Next up

Very early FNaNL 2 screenshots for no reason whatsoever

The full version of FNaNL 2 is now up to download!

Hope you all enjoy it.

The game's (un)original soundtrack is on the page now. It has so many tracks it reached GJ's music number limit lol, and I still had to leave out a couple of things...

Enjoy :)


Company Notice


videogames peaked when this dropped

Version 1.4.5 is out because this game's code is a fucking mess!

Read the change log in the article:

I'm proud to announce that FNaNL 2 will include tapes to find that reveal parts of its story and lore!