9 months ago

Behavior - havoc freddy

Havoc freddy - first appears on night 1 he will move towards the office window and then the left door after progressing through the camera, he will be behind the window to the player's rear. The Player is able to look at him to slow him, but it will not stop him. He'll eventually approach form the left doorway cued by a door creak. He will be standing at left, ready to attack the player can repel him by running to the other side of the office and waiting a second he leave very quickly, and the player can hear him leave the door when at the other side of the desk

He is active on night 1, night 3, night 4, night 6, night 8, and night 11,



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I can remember one of best Video Game developer called @DVloper he's the creator of slendrina series and granny series he was named Dennis Vukanovic

Fnac news, emil uploaded video and watch video now


I did finish mastered the three of stickers!


As of January 2025, @TheGameSalmon posted in youtube, he said his pet was passed away on Jan 29 2025 his pet named Sophie but it's rest in peace to her

Rat Race Production Update

Rest in peace awni eldous we are miss you and Allah bless you

Rest in peace awni eldous

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