3 hours ago

"Belarusian" AU (Part 4)

Petunia (rabbit)/Петуния (кролик) - Petrunya (hare)/Петруня (заяц)

Lizzy/Лиззи - Yana/Яна 

Kevin/Кевин - Christina/Кристина

And Cubbie? What Cubbie?/А Кубби? Какой Кубби?



Next up

"Belarusian" AU (Part 3)

Errors in animation "Basics in Behavior" from Kaaatie (@Kaaatie ) (№14)


What the fuck

"Tray" AU

(The created of AU: d79011614)

Let's switch jobs between our old days Miss Circle and [definitely] mentally stable new one!

"Into the Future" AU

(The created of AU: wyattxzenaku)

"Belarusian" AU (Part 1)

"Circus" AU

(The created of AU: Ash_Espoir)

"Streettown" AU

(The created of AU: berwiPimmy)