I have a lot of things to address in here, and I'm only doing so only because of said situation worsening. I could just disappear one day, either because of going as far as getting krilled (haha word censorship so funny) or committing slip-and-slide. Or just in general being restricted from any device. That's probably why I'm probably just not a person-of-their-word, so I deeply apologise if I've ever never made any of my promises, whether big or small.
Little basic info just so you, as the reader, has a basis on what this whole peace treaty worth of what I've been through:
-shitty abusive neglectful mom (put up with it for 7 years up until today )
-i'm pansexual and polyamorous, go do your research if needed
-been outed via a 100 paged doc about how basically shitty i am of a person towards my partners and other things as well which isn't necessary for me to get into
Even as the doc is now in the past and I've been working on whatever I find to better myself, one of the things I need to clarify about my love life specifically; just something I wanted to get off my chest.
I know what I did exactly. I'm a freak of nature; an abomination if you will. I've had encountered myself subconsciously being ungrateful, disloyal and unfaithful to those I've loved. That's probably out of my control as the daily abuse/neglect I endure plays a major factor in how I behave. Regardless of the fact of whether I'm still dating those people or not, I'll never forgive myself for how I was before; both for how awfully I've treated them and for how weird I was. I deeply apologise to those who I have taken advantage of. I hope they've moved on to fulfill their lives with much better things. <3
The whole IRL friend thing has just fallen apart, it's just, bleh. Turns out there was more shit that they're doing, but from now on I just plan to be the alone-but-approachable kind of person. I don't feel the need to have any IRL friends anymore.
Overall, I've just become careless of a lot of things that I really shouldn't overthink about lmao. (not in a manner that makes me look like i haven't taken accountability of anything i did smh)
I just want to move on, so if you like me, great! If you don't, okay then, fine by me. Used to be a big deal for me but now it ain't. I feel better now in regards to that.
Now the abuse stuff. If you nono wanna (aka don't like this kind of stuff/isn't your concern), click off then, this isn't for you to read. How do I start this off uhh- My mom has a history of invading my privacy, and other shitty things to. Shit like:
-threaten to kill me/asking me to kms
-physically, emotionally and mentally beat me up
-threaten most of the time
-dismisses everything i say, even if it's valid/true
-gaslight and manipulate me
That's only the tip of the iceberg. The main thing is the shit that happened to me today.
(discord; .v_thingzz - nisii ! )

No, I don't have anybody to run to. As much as it's easy to say to call the police, CPS or anything in relation to those, I'm too scared to do so as I have nobody to rely on IRL. No, I can't really run away even if I could, for (again) I have nobody IRL to approach, and I go to a renowned highschool within Australia, so there'd probably be a damn manhunt on me for all I care. I've just accepted that anything can happen to me. I could just be beaten up at any moment, or even commit sewerslide if I even bother. (which at the moment, i don't)
I have no source of safety nor privacy at all, and I really don't think 2 more years of living could help me anymore. 99.5% of my life is basically being controlled. I can't do anything without being questioned nor spied on.
I'm just numb. If I ever do what I planned on doing, then just know that there wasn't really any motive behind it, it was simply me trying to find my inner peace again.
Not something I would post; I'm aware. Just wanted to put that out there for I could disappear whenever. I don't know what else is there to expect anymore.
errr yea that's about it!!!! take care now, ty for reading :33