One Week at Leonard's (EARLY RELEASE)

2 years ago

Bernard The Bear the Guitarist body ^|



Next up

50% done EPS (Electrical Panel Settings) - May/10/2023

Thanks to @Pixel-1Games , he let me use his profile header idea, this is my new profile header complete photo, go check out my profile to see it cropped!

Leonard The Cat full body ^| - Mar/27/2023

Thanks to @Pixel-1Games , the realisticating process for EPS has been successful! - May/30/23

100% done with EPS - May/18/2023

Abby The Rabbit the Singer Showtime costume - Mar/27/2023

Abby The Rabbit the Singer night costume - Mar/27/2023

Leonard's head - Mar/24/2023

New profile header update!