11 months ago

Beta Death from V2. (It should be blatantly obvious that I used a Nightmare Freddy vector for some parts. I hate this looking back, it's terrible, it's lazy, and makes V1 look better.)

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Next up

Never thought I'd say this, but the two night demo is now (Finally).

Apologies for the extremely long wait.

Not related to the remasters but still relevant for the Billy's series. Hint hint, wink wink.

Merry Christmas (The only day I get to post this where it's the actual meaning. Plus, I didn't have any other ideas.)

Remade Teaser "10 Months Later"

Been a minute since I've done a teaser.

(Especially including some messages- Hint Hint Wink Wink.)

Hint Hint, Wink Wink

Here's a model after months of hiatus. Making a few more soon...

The TEOD: OR Trailer is coming out at today, and Demo 2 will release after the trailer premieres. https://youtu.be/T3hLpJALft8

I'm sorry for slacking, to make up for it, here are some screenshots of the remaster. More touch ups may occur in the final.