CHAOS Custom Night
4 years ago

Beta Test Quiz Update (genuinely live this time)

So some of you have noticed that the previous link doesn't work. This is because the user could be shown the answers if they gave up, so I deleted it. Thankyou @KostaVesta for letting me know about this.

This quiz, I have decided, doesn't let you pause, and you can't skip questions or redo them, so: best of luck to you all.

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Next up

Don't Worry, We Haven't Gone Anywhere...

Programming Character Info - 80%

Mangle is ded

Updated set of controls

might send small clips of renders, animations, and screenshots now and then to keep people sane

Hehe what's this....

Programming Character Info - 70%

Programming characters has officially begun! When A character is fully programmed they will be added to this image. Alot more interesting then A progress bar right? Stay Tuned, The show is just getting started

le duck room - make sure not to overcook

Programming Character Info - 50%