Gravelbox: Legacy
3 years ago

Beta Update 1.5.0


  • Thrusters now gain force whenever they are scaled up

  • Rotors now automatically disable themselves if they break

  • You can now press ESC to go back to the main menu

  • The rotor now has a breaking sound

  • The game now has an icon

  • There is now a blood & rotting effect for dismemberment

  • Added a gun

  • Added a water map

  • Added Rotation

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the circle part of a rotor could float away if dismembered

Other changes:

  • Redid explosive particles

  • disabled the "development build" option in the build settings this means betas now act as regular releases, and errors only show up in the F4 console

If you have any questions, bugs, or suggestions, join the discord server



Next up

New thumbnail


Bois we finally got a logo! thanks to Trigger (

new updates in the works, meanwhile, teaser

charter things

I honestly didn't expect 100% on yes, so i guess i'm making a fnaf game then

Options menu WIP for FNF# engine

you can slow shit down now (and speed it up too)

Downscroll moment

gamejolt what