Staff Only

4 years ago

Beta v0.8.0: Major Balance update.

It is nice to see you in the bunker again!


First of all, thank you so much for your support! It really inspires and gives strength. Also, thanks for the bug reports, not only were they useful, but some bugs were reported already with fixes :)

General changes

We have made many changes since the last update. Most of the card had their power tweaked, some of the cards changed so much you would not recognize them. Enemies also become more powerful to compensate for cards power increase.

You can find full list of card changes on our Discord server:

We also have some new mechanics which would help you better control the flow of battle:

Place a token – you would place a token under the card which will be available next turn. These tokens may help player as well as make next turn harder. You can see which token would be placed in the card text.


Copy – you will get a copy of the card in your hand


Hack – this effect is the same as a token effect of a Hacker enemy. Hacked cards swap their attack and armor, self-damage and heal, etc.


Boss Battle Rewards

In most cases players chose to defeat as many enemies on the map as possible before challenging the boss. Game mechanics almost forced your hand to grind. But now, you will get increased rewards from boss battle if you take less turns to explore the level.


Now there is some sense in planning your way around to probably get more rewards from boss. But you still can kill as much enemies as possible to be better prepared for the boss battle.

Bug Fixes

Once again, thank you so much for bug reports, and please, do not hesitate to post bug reports on forums, Discord or just send them to [email protected] in the future :)

- Fixed localization crash. If your system language is not supported the game will fallback to English.

- It is no longer possible to infinitely upgrade Effective Strat card.

- Achievements should sync with Steam now.

- There should be way less random crashes if you experienced them before.

- Technology On Edge now updates player health the moment it is picked up.

Quality of Life improvements

- Enemy effect Muddle now has a tooltip window.

- It is possible now to scroll your hand if you draw too many cards.

- Extra option in options to disable graphical effects that can be disturbing.


Our plan in the future is to release new patch every 2 weeks on Wednesday with the hotfix in the middle. These patches will have some general direction and usually contain some sort of new content.

Next patch will be mostly about graphical improvements, please stay tuned :)

Thank you so much for following us!



Next up

What is your favorite flower?

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