CHB Game

4 years ago

Better graphics, new UI



Next up

Working on AI to make the camp more "alive", so far they wander around, can sit on benches and go to sleep in the cabins.

Custom Dracanae Helmet

Next update will include the ability to fly/glide using the Daedalus wings by pressing space while in air, more combat mechanics and maybe a character customizer.

New update will be coming in about 2 weeks which includes a new Inventory UI, tweaks to the map, more detailed character customizer that will enable tweaking of facial features and body shape, simple quests in the camp, an Optimized NPC Spawner and more.

Working on the customizer

Nice Screenshot

Any feedback on the style ?

new UI

Working on some enemies, an arena gamemode, and cleaning up some stuff.

A Level I'm working on