4 years ago

Beyond your reach! (and more)

Ever wanted to throw away all of the stuff you've acquired in your journey? Well, now is the time! Just... don't throw, like, a lot of them at once. Or do >.> <.< .
Oh yea, and now your inventory is more organized than ever. With 60 items per slot and similar items next to each other, it's really easy to navigate through your precious dirt, rock, etc.

Oh, look over there! The most wonderful piece of dirt. But, you can't reach it... It's too high and you can't walk there. What if there were something like a bridge you could build in order to reach that spectacular collectible? Oh wait, there is! So, with the click of a button, you can create a bridge between you and the wall you're looking at. The first time I placed one, I saw it levitating and soaring through the skies, which was pretty mesmerizing and fun. But not quite what we needed at the time. That was because the terrain collider didn't really get along with our bridge's collider, but it was a pretty easy fix. Next up was placing them in specific angles, and with the power of math, that was done. After that, we realized that when you place it in some specific angles the bridge kicks you to the heavens. Again, pretty entertaining but unfortunately not what we needed. That was another collider problem which was pretty easy to fix, but I still spent a good amount of time not seeing the solution.

Lastly, we have a dialogue system in order to talk with your favorite NPCs. Pretty simple: you see text and you push a button and you see more text which you're probably going to skip. But hey! The text might be fun, so you might not want to skip.

The aforementioned updates can always be improved based on the game's needs, so stay tuned for the newer and improved features!

This has been Alex, see you in the next one!



Next up

Preliminary sketches Some preliminary sketches for the game, while we are deciding the look of the enemies and the general direction the game should take. All made by our talented Art Director Elias Tsatsaris.

3d Model Prototypes These models are on their way to be textured and will soon appear on our dungeons! A big thank you to our modeller Ilias Petrogonas and our concept artist Elias Tsatsaris! Keep up the good work guys!


Come One, Come All!

Taste our latest overworld vertical slice! As always give us your opinions/feedback on features and performance!

Concept Art Colour and lighting test concept art from our art director Elias Tsatsaris! Keep it up Elias!

Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore

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Another house i made long time ago.

Runestones: from concept to in-game model🗿

Just a Pico sprite