2 years ago




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Happy bday vegeta! 🥳

It’s the spooky month

Can you guys believe it? Christmas, just a week away 🌚

Happy 12th Anniversary, Minecraft!

The game's first full release was Nov. 18, 2011.

We're celebrating this landmark anniversary by giving out copies of Minecraft: The Official Pop-Up from our friends at @InsightEditions !

Read the article for more info!

Merry chrimstmas

Did you know cupcakes can be square? I made lots of minecraft toppers that, while simple, I think came out good!

Rest in peace cheems, you were the entire internet’s best buddy.

Guys it’s the happy halloweiner time today

The Elmore High School

Fro tho like why they do this ( this happened to me at a basket ball court if your wondering about the background)