First off, thank you all so much for putting up with my slow pace!! We’re almost at 700 followers now, I can’t believe how awesome this community has been to me!
I’m happy to say that I’ve made a lot of progress in the game and reworked things to a level I’m quite happy with.
I’ll be foregoing any kind of demo release, and the full game will be out for free this year!
However, it is only me working in this project. I have some personal things to work around this year, on top of the on-going issues with my hands, so unfortunately development on Kitty Survival Simulator (as well as any other projects I have) will have to be temporarily put on a hiatus, at least for a few months.
But, this means I’ll be back in action at full-throttle when everything is settled and I’m able to direct my fully attention to the game. Development should go farily quickly after that.
Thank you again for you interest and support, I can’t wait to start working on the game again!
Here’s a very small preview of what’s to come.

(image credits: Parallax and Water tiles by Nya (me), other tiles and objects used here by Highlander4 and Celianna. Kitty’s sprite by Deeb.)