2 years ago

big engine listing update, sorry for neglecting to update it sooner.


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shockwave 3 might be a reality soon, i am still surprised how fast thing's have already progressed. if it does becomes a thing, i'd most likely abandon SW2, sadly i cant work on both. future is bright regardless though.

new lil' quality of life update

full videos here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEK6vGYib-Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBLhHHRVUNc new updates i've been doing on the SWDC SW2 port. been grinding all new art, coding/porting, features

A little update on the side project, its gonna be turned into something later on but its only really testing stuff. What yall think bout this?

i'm unbanned on scratch now, after 3 years. uploaded shockwave 2 on there also: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/908286843/

a lil project ive been working on, any feedback would be nice (uses skyistumblings engine ofc)

tekken 3 in turbowarp (concept done with SW2 and pen+ v6)