4 months ago


bouta lose it,,

last night my mom found my secret whatsapp art chat and made me delete it. (she found it bcs i added one of HER friends tht i trusted, but she tattled on me to my mom) as being the host of it, i always posted my art there and tried to be open and "friendly",, but the didnt like tht bcs she almost always thought my art was ill and dark and tht i need to stop drawing

soo she beat me again,, if you couldnt tell by the way i put it (one of the veins in my face blew up and now i have a red stripe on my face)

afterwardsi told her tht i already told her a while ago tht i felt myself 'slipping' and tht i asked for help (therapy) but she refused bcs she said i dont have time for that, BUUT APARENTLY I DO HAVE TIME TO DRAW HEINOUS SHIT,, (her words not mine)

im sick and tired of asking for help, being ignorred, and later being beaten up for still being unwell....

theres more to unpack to this story but i odnt want to charge you guys with it



Next up


- urge to speak

uhh dis weeks art dump might start doing art posts weekly if theres nothing to interfere

1st img is next weeks leak

yayyy,, i guess??

mhhh thingg.. for @Flavio-animates (hes going to remake it)

screenshot frm my drafts,, ngl i feel like some people really need to hear this, and i hope tht the person i hinted at with this post notices (they blocked me a long time ago for nothing)

first post after changing my name to murray, feelin good

also redesign of my main oc, gonna feature himin the linked-pin post,, i didnt have much motivation so excuse the sloppiness

@HelloWorldHappyDay said sigma..... if you think its fake youre sstupid anf uhhh a cornheaded ninny muggins..

pic of hw saying sigma in desc

tht actual moment when i put 0.0001% effort in art:

we love casting spells

hatman sees all.