All my friends changed ;>
@Saiyan_warrior - GOKUUUUUU
@AlexandrePilato - Just my friend
@CrazedLouie - other Friend
@peterbot8 - Chill friend
@FredbearsWorldGaming - Just a Gamer BestFriends! +
@Shadow_Fredbear_ - Quiet Friend!
@Qintin - Cute friend
@Razzle_and_dazzle_fan - DW Bestfriends!
@JAMEZ_lilWAFFLEZartist - Other DW Bestfriends!
@Xx0Hollow0xX - Other Chill friend
@_-AMekanik-_ - idk still Friend
@Zuzy_Zebra754 - the other other Friend!
@thegod568 - still Chill friend!
@Anna_Banana-2 - other other other Friend!
@dragongamer8967 - demon friend!
@Ace_alt - doors Friend!
@JAMEZ_lilWAFFLEZgameingALT - DW Friend!
@EXOTICCBUTTERS - True friends
@KoreanAviation - the other other DW Friend
@ForeclosureTaskForce-Episode - other other other Quiet friend
@salon_the_squirrel - ladies and gentlemen the other other other other other other other other other Goodie friend :>
@itz_just_bruana_here - just an Artist friend
@KittyToons - a Kitty friend •w•
@AkranomRmKradmeme - still other Friend
@Maxity_Creepy - A Russian Kitty Friend[Rip]
@Deni_cute - Just my Femboy BestFriend or nsfw artist
@SkyGlide5 - my Russian Friend
@Julia1_Fan - Other Russian friend
@JuliaNik1 - other other Russian friend
@SnezhanaMironova1 - The other other other Russian friend
@MrFNaF6392 - The other other other other Russian friend
@_Picture - artist friend
@AlexTheTankin - Goodie friend 😎
@handonVR716 - the other other other other chill friend
@takwa726 - Kind friend
@adelmariebonano41025 - other Kind friend
@VioletTubbybotFNATL - Other Artist friend+
@i-like-gloves - the other other Goodie friend
@Darkvolt - ladies and gentlemen the other other other Goodie friend ^ v ^
@Menhera_Chan-Fansy- - just Quiet ^ v ^
@Moonlight_Hybrid - fox Friend! Or a wolf
@YourLocalArtistIsHere - Idk Friends?
@willaw - another fox friend of mine ^ ^ or a wolf...
@Willawalt - The other other Fox friend of mine ^ ^
@sailsthesuperfox - Fox fwiendssss :3
@Cute_Aquamarine_Robot_Girl_Fox - ladies and gentlemen the great artist of my destiny B]
@shainhaas - Cool friend but Cute 🌒w🌘
@Sonicgreen_m030 - Hedgehog friend!
@Cute_evil_girl_hedgehog - other Hedgehog friend :3
@GachaVlad - Fox Fwiendssss :3