2 days ago

blocklocke part 10

as we are reaching the end, i noticed i have like half a box of pokemon i want to use

so for that reason, we now have three new members who we will be using through victory road, and possibly the elite four

TheLegend87, the jolteon


SillyVanillaYogurt, the swampert LETS FUCKING GO i wanted this one a lot


Cdragon12 the golbat

really good pokemon if i can get it to evolve


we enter victory road.

we encounter a wild hypno(drake reference) but we kill him

we don really need anymore pokemon + we'll never use him probably.

now i would like to say nothing interesting happened here

but we got ourselves into a a difficult situation


we we're up against a couple of trainers who had a rotom fridge, walrein, and a couple of other just really strong pokemon

in this situation, we have a few pokemon left that can take a hit, and these guys are doing a shit ton of damage.

we can definitely kill the rotom here, but that leaves walrein, who could kill anyone with blizzard(other than axo). we need to get Cdragon out of here, but with who exactly, i don't know

we switch into TheLegend, and he lives up to his name as he takes attacks from both pokemon and still lives. luckily, we are able to kill rotom using axo, and walrein with jolteon.


we happen to get into a fight with another trainer, who gets our team fucked over as well using a staraptor with close combat (super effective against axo, and TCR, does massive damage/ would kill almost everyone else)

because of this, when we fought against his rotom the unexpected happened.


we we're in the red, so i assumed he would attack, so i made TCR use sucker punch

i thought it would kill but ig not my bad


we beat this dude up but immediately run into a new problem


candic fitinyomout leads with lucario, who we confuse using golbat, and take the kill with swampert

then the real problem comes out


i thought i could kill him with swampert, but he almost kills me with hydro pump

i switch into snorlax, and the dick shaped monster uses spacial rend, dealing almost half damage. i ignore this and go for an attack, but then he uses aura sphere.


a little too close for comfort.

we both heal, and i attempt the strategy thats gotten me this far

yawn + belly drum

but it fails.

palkia wakes up, and


we lost our starter.

the one whos been with us since the beginning, who has carried us so hard, and the one we'd be relying on to beat the elite four.

gone, fighting the dick monster.

but its not the time to mourn, as i still need to find a way to make it out alive.

i send in ed_, and make hin use fly

palkia uses hydro pump, but fortunately misses.

ed_ tanks a spacial rend, but he lives, and ends up victorious, taking vengeance for axo.

but its not over.

he has two more pokemon left

he sends in houndoom and i heal up ed_

we each get a hit, but due to houndooms embargo, we can't heal. we cant take another hit, so we switch into Jolteon, who takes houndoom down

Candic's final pokemon is duosion.

hes incredibly powerful.

two hits, he can take down any one pokemon on the team

i know this because


yeah so we lost golbat too.

i tried to take a hit with jolteon, but knew that he couldn't take more than one

swampert and braviary are way too low rn

i thought maybe, even though Cdragon is weak to psychic, i could take a hit

idk what i was doing there sorry bro mb.


i sent in ed and healed him again.

I thought maybe he could take down this menace, but apparently no.


ed is also 2 shot.

at this point, i am guaranteed defeat

there is abosultely nothing i could do

so i heal stall.

its not something i am proud of, and i hate doing it, but i literally do not have a choice.

eventually, duosion uses heal block

but now i am at full hp, making it a fair fight

ed uses sky drop but this dumbass uses wonder room

so basically, he handed us this win

we finally beat candic, after 15 minutes of stress.

we beat candic at last, for the final time

however, our team is in ruin

we only have




we finally make it to the pokemon legaue and immediately see what we can do to salvage this

we have the legendary pokemon uxie(rift-studio), rhyperior(lemomew)which tbh might be one of the more mid legends, and vulpix (LeAstronomical.)

I thought this was ok, but we finally found the item i was searching for for so godamn long

the fire stone.

now we can evolve vulpix, giving us a full team of 6 pokemon.


we're finally here, at the end of the road, with a full team thats ngl kind of stacked. whatever happens next, this is the our final rodeo

btw, just putting it out there, nobody's getting blocked in the elite four, since you're gonna be unblocked after anyway, so theres like no point.



Next up

blocklocke part 8

sketch i probably wont complete

something i like about nuzlockes is that you get forced to use pokemon you never gave a fuck about before

image unrelated

idk if anyone still remebers the blocklocke

but chat what do we call him

do yall fw moths

continuing blocklocke who want this

(death = block)

pokemon starter tier list

redrawing smth from like november

blocklocke part 9

who we naming this

i know i say this every post but

if you die, blocked