8 hours ago

bloodfist's second game and it's fucking understein.

also timed gimmicks in ut fangames should be fucking illegal



Next up


68 maps left to go

i'm already getting bored


ultimate doom beat.

5/6 episodes, sigil 2 now.

i don't have the will to do the same with doom II

take this stick i found

episode 1 done. it is as hard as i thought

now only the hardest of the bullshit remains

final doom left.

oh fuck my life, why am i forcing myself to go through plutonia again

smol lovely idiot kitty (i died 20 times in a row cause of her in e4m8 i fucking hate her)

so, i went through the entirety of what i consider canon doom 1 content, with brutal doom, on black metal.

what the fuck is wrong with me