2 months ago

BloodySewerage at the Time, I know I gotta redo it but I wanted to see how it looks ween I do it like this ^^

so yeah, figuring out how to draw it the right way will probably be difficult to do TwT



Next up

So I had a Idea with @Salee 's #Comic #Vidlin after seeing his adorable @KniteBlargh FanArt

I wasn't sure what is or what isn't allowed in the Vidlin characters design but I could see it still looking like him without the tail and ears ^^

#GJAsks Tattletail!! (I edited that Picture for the Tattletail Discord)

I feel like Tattletail be a really good Game to turn into a Movie ^^

Also happy I finaly get to upload this.. edit?

ArtFight Braasky Kroenxy by @KivBunny

Every time I look at this again I think "Oh I could have done this and that to make the shading better,, but uh no.. I did those things and it didn't work. Still turned out pretty good in my opinion ^^


commit kitty crimes


ArtFight2024 Xerxes by @Kyri_Kiddo

Cute Character for sure ^^ kinda sad Kyri decided now to gift there acc away because well as you can see today was her day. but hey at least they still got there #ArtFight ^^

I just drew my Minecraft oc

ArtFight2024 Laui by @ClapRose

Remember the #ArtFights I post outside of ArtFight always get Posted a day later to give you all a reason to follow me on there lul.

Anyway this was fun as pretty simple and the character is every cute ^^

Forgot her Bio ^^"

ArtFight2024 Chippy by @DeterminedPancakes

How practical that I can use this not just for #ArtFight but also for #ArtWeeklies theme #Food ^^ after all Chippy is a Living Chocolate Chip Pancake ^^

I think this is the only Animated ArtFight I do XD

Duo.. please, i uninstalled you 4 a reason...

(Took these from my actual pinterest page 💀 😭)

There Is No Game the GiGi song

It's every pretty #GJAsks