9 days ago

{Bondee's barnyard oc Gacha club} Alya the fox

Name: Alya

animalanimal: Fox

Pronounce: She/her

Character: sly, insidious, funny, mischievous, hyperactive and funny (sometimes she is calm, nervous, aggressive, strict and serious)

Friends: Geet, Kou and Fourly

She loves to make jokes and make everyone laugh.



Next up

I always start painting in the evening... All right. Who should I draw? Now I just have motivation and a great desire to draw.

(Bondee's barnyard and Dark deception #2) Dread ducky and Chikling..

Bondee's barnyard



  Bondee's 1 X Bondee's 2

Fear of going crazy

(Bondee's barnyard and Dark deception #3) Mama bear and Kou the cow

art for @Otis_Le_PoOtis

(Damn, I can't draw chairs. )

Lately, for some reason, I've been drawing more often...

Phobia and Nordi