3 days ago

Bonnie's Chapter 1: Secret minigame I guess?

I never thought spamming numbers would've worked lol, one of the codes for the og Bonnie's 1 is 783620, I thought maybe the codes would've been year dates but I guess it is literally random number combinations.

(I tried using a gamepad to move but nothing happened)



Next up

Man, this game looks pretty interesting, wonder when it will come out...

So, I found a video that contains the only gameplay footage of "V2" for the Bonnie's 1 Remake port

Five Nights at Maggie's 3: 6/20 Completed

Made a model for @Scrap_Metal to help me practice with organic modelling. I've done organics before but never felt satisfied, did this one very well. Might try to get into organic modelling, it's pretty fun!

Thanks to @DaRadsla for helping rig it! ^^

Why am I not surprised at this point?

If Fnaf actually does a collab with Fortnite, I'm gonna die

We laugh at the stupidest stuff.