4 months ago

Bop's tips and tricks #1 - MUSIC 101 !!! ( ft. beepbox )

you ever wanna start making original songs for whatever reason but you have ZERO knowledge of it? not even the SLIGHTEST bit?

well don't worry boys and girls and enbys and everyone else!!!!!

iiiim gonna teach you the PINNACLE of basics !!!
using literally the most beginner friendly ( although, limited ) piece of music making thingamajig ever


( keep in mind the stuff i'm gonna be yapping isn't really 1:1 and all-too accurate. it's simplified for my soon-to-be AWESOME silly composers to understand !!! )


if you somehow have never heard of beepbox, this is what it looks like

it's a music DAW that can be opened from a browser and blahblahblah

NOT THE POINT !!! i'm here to teach you how THINGS WORK so you can make GOOD STUFF by using BEEPBOX as a VESSEL !!!

or atleast give you a stepping stone on how to do that cause it ain't easy nor will it be quick :V

( if some stuff in my screenshot looks different from you then it's something to do with the preferences settings btw )


so see this tab? this is the SCALE

:) = major
:( = minor

major is " happy " and minor is " sad "

you might've already heard about that,

but i'd like to mention that the whole major is happy minor is sad thing is just insanely simplified

* you can make positive songs in a minor scale and you can make not-so positive songs in a major scale. there is no scale that objectively pin-points what your song will sound like. the whole major minor thing really only stands when going each individual notes in the scale one by one tbh

AHEM anyways

keep in mind that the scales aren't limitations
you can go off the scale at anytime you want as long as it sounds good

( you can turn that on in the preferences settings in beepbox )


this is the tempo
you probably already know what this does but if you don't for some reason it's essentially the speed of the song

the larger the number is the faster the song will be


you see this? this is the key

the key selected will be the root note

so whatever note the key is on, it would be the BASE note

or as one would say ermm the root note yeah

so essentially it's the note that'll sound like the absolute most neutral in the scale

you'd prob want to base your melodies around that note and such


okok so

if you're a beginner then like . don't touch that

but you know how when you bop your head to songs or listen to a metronome it USUALLY goes like

1 2 3 4 !!! ( 4 / 4 )

yea well you can like change that

to being just 1 2 3 ( 3 / 4 ) and whatever

it's best to not touch that if you're starting out as it makes things quite complicated but yeah it can spice things up and allat :3

okay so

this is kinda hard to explain on-paper but it's really simple

octaves are KINDA the " number that shows up besides a piano key in most DAWs " ( not beepbox tho smh )


an octave consists of like each consecutivenote
( C C# D D# F F# E G G# A A# B )

the higher the octave is the higher pitch the notes are

if you don't get it i don't really have a better way to explain it so like google or something lol

( by the way when i refer to things in quotation marks, that means i'm simplifying it a lil in some sort of way )

types of " ROLES " in songs

self-explanatory. it's the main instrument that leads the song!!

usually seated in a high-medium octave; due to the fact that those octaves are the most CLEAR of the bunch and you want the lead to be clear ands such


most under-rated role ever like it literally holds the music together

without it most of your fav songs are GROSS !!!

bass is really low-pitched and usually has a simple pattern but it helps bringing every single instrument together a lot and also can sound KILLER if utilized really nicely


chords are probably a lil complicated to understand, but it essentially gives the song some EMOTIONS and makes it have more layers and whatever .

it's essentially a set of 3 ( optionally even more ) notes playing at once and changing time to time to the progression of the song and whatever

if you remember a bit ago when i talked about the major and minor scales, there's also a major and minor chord which works essentially the same way

major chords being ooo happy ( not necessarily tho ) and vice versa with the minor chords. there's also much more chord types and whatever but i can't be bother to list them :V

chords are super awesome and can enhance the song to a large degree. it sits wherever it wants in the octaves


the thing that gives songs that IMPACT !!! the BANGIN' !!!

most common type of percussion are ofc drums
consisting of things called kicks, snares, hi-hats, and whatever

you probably already know their place in the song so yeah i don't really need to explain


that should be all of the very basics !!!

if you don't understand some stuff that was said / want to be further elaborated on then you should research the thing in your own spare time

like i'm not a professional by any means i'm literally self-taught on this crap :V

but this should ease-you in a slight bit over how stuff works and how to use said stuff !!!

if you have any questions dont' be afraid to ask but also keep in mind: i am stupid so you shouldn't expect a good and professional answer lol

remember, people improve in different speeds so just stay patient, don't compare yourself to anybody and don't EVER give up !!!!

if you're wondering, yeah i'm planning for this to be a sorta " series " btw

where i just yap about tips tricks 101s and whatever

i hope i'll be able to help you with your journey in any sort of way through my epic gaming posts !!!!!!!

oh also here's the song i made for this post and such

anyways byebyee sillys im probabyl gona go to bed soon aogugrthguhuhuhfsfhhsfhuf




Next up

oh yeah these things are still here by the way just to let you know :3

WRONG !!! *gives you liver cancer*

wuh oh

i was making Mashup but then i got side-tracked and then i blacked out and suddenly i had this in front of me now so uhm


2nd row( Oni's ) is officially finished !!!

Oni's max mode is a lot easier than the Sush one imo but it gets INCREDIBLY fast-paced later on considering both pancake and glaucous's difficulty scales with the time a little bit

but yeah !!!

i guess the cat's out the ... fridge ( yes that's totally how the saying goes )

first row ( 6 / 18 ) is finished :3 [ this is me trying to attempt the 1st row max mode ]

onigiri yumyum