3 years ago

~BOXO GAMES 2022 UPDATE (Please Read)~

Hi everyone! What??!!? Last post was two years ago? WOW. A lot has changed, people. I'm very sorry to say that Happy To Help is no longer in development - I had many issues with the Unity game engine and there were many bugs that I couldn't fix. I took a break from making the game, and then the project file got corrupted. Six test chambers had been created that I was working super hard on (not to mention I was also working on the dystopian open world city segment near the end of the game), all gone in an instant. I tried to restart development on Unity several times but it was incredibly demotivating to have months of work suddenly gone. So I just decided to focus on my other passions - my profile page just completely left dormant. I'm now much more interested in filmmaking, vfx, 3d modelling etc. and it feels more fulfilling.

A little note about Happy To Help by the way - the story was going to be very exciting and you would solve 10 chambers until finding a way out when being trapped into doing more tests. There was going to be a chase sequence through the facility and out into the city, where I was experimenting with path finding. The end of the game would be you shutting down all the robots and Lectan crumbling to the ground.

Regarding Astray, my previous game - there's a cool easter egg in the dead-end corridor where you collect one of the key fragments. If you just walk into the wall to the left, it reveals three images of some people - the pictures are of you, Brad and your boss. About the rocket that some people managed to find in the first version, I was working to create an alternate ending where you find out the boss's secret plans and a rocket gets launched into the sky, but I didn't know enough about animation at the time. Anyways, I'm going to wrap this long post up.

So this is it, for now... thank you to everyone who has supported my game dev journey, I'd especially like to shout out @matepribelszky for giving me insightful and helpful feedback on my games and demos (go check out his game Through the Fragmentation - so good) and @_HorrorDuck for being another supportive game dev on this platform. Also I'd like to thank @AlphaThePotatoQueen and @MichaelBlighe for playing my game Astray, that was an amazing experience. This page will be mostly dormant and I won't be returning to making games for the foreseeable future as I focus more on my filmmaking hobbies. Thank you, and goodbye.




Next up


Be prepared... the demo's coming really soon. 😀

Join my new discord server! (If you want) (updated link)

What a crazy place!

The HAPPY TO HELP game page is now LIVE! The new adaptation of my 2020 game is coming out Saturday 17th June - stay tuned!

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The game soundtrack has been made! A great atmosphere is set with a little bit of synth!

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Hi! I'm back from break (finally). Happy To Help just got happier.