The Blank Room

             By: Jude James

As Larry Sharpe went into his new rental apartment, many thoughts went through his head. Many of which concerned the fact that he had never been in this new apartment. He entered anxiously.  And cautiously……. Nothing. It was a completely blank and empty room with pale white wallpaper. No décor or furniture of even another room. He stood there, staring at The Blank Room. Room 1127 to be exact. The wallpaper was brand new and even gleamed a bit. He sighed, put down his case and stared at the wall. He unpacked his clothes and put some picture frames from his case onto the wall for the blank empty wallpaper was somewhat unsettling to Larry for a reason he could not quite recall.

He was used to wallpaper with color, and rooms that had doors. He walked outside to his black slim, clean gleaming car to get the rest of his stuff. He hauled it all inside but when he went inside, he fell, there was no floor at all in the room it was just an infinite abyss. He landed hard on a solid wooden floor he screamed at went up to the wall he clawed and clawed at the wallpaper it slowly peeled off. He clawed at it for days but couldn’t make it up. Larry slowly started going insane and started seeing hallucinations. He slowly starved to death. All his things were found in the apartment after his mother filed a missing person report. They found his abandoned black car which was dusty and trashed. They entered the room and found his cloths and all his belongings on the floor……. but no Larry.

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Goodnight ladies, gentlemen, and arachnids, I shall see you once again tomorrow.

I wish for the ability to manifest 20 dollar bills whenever I want.

Flash low-key tweaking 😭 😭

Not again 😭


(I’m allergic to pizza)

What tf am I doing awake 😭