Hello everyone so the voice actor that was going to be the voice of Stanley and Duke has to be changed to someone else nothing happened between me and him we are still good friends its just that he had trouble making the lines fortunately he is still the voice of the FBI agent in the night 3 phone call I am making a Youtube video of this soon as I need the lines pretty quickly its an audition contest just like the others but the deadline will be quicker if you are interested this is what you will need for the roles
Stanley: You MUST be american and have a deep older voice
Duke: You MUST be British and have a deep older voice but can do a good old man voice
As the game itself I am finishing a few finishing touches to Boss 1 and Mission 3 until I can progress to Night 5 and Mission 4 I am very grateful for the support you guys have gave me and this game and we have achieved so much and I can't wait to get the full version released God bless you all!