Geet: knock knock
Tory:Who's there?
Geet:it's me
Tory:Who am I?
Geet: The great and clever Geet
Tory: Really? And I thought it was a bad Bondee or a bad sister Kou
* laughing together*
Geet: I'm a mean Kou! Tory, did you eat the pies again?! Oh, you idiot, I'm going to take a frying pan and hit you on it
Tory:* holds back laughter*
Geet: Me, Bondee!! Don't go into the kitchen, or I'll take a mop and wash you!
Tory:* trying to hold back laughter*
Geet:Tory, and Tory.. Well, get up, come on!! Well, let it be 4:00 in the morning, let's play hide-and-seek / portrayed by Fourly\
Tory:* started laughing very loudly*