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Well, these would possibly be the mascots of the 2026 World Cup, right?

But one of the many problems i had with these mascots is that the USA one looks too much like Abraham Lincoln

Like, wouldn't you do some differences to this guy just like...

Some drawing i made because why not

Btw this is supposed to be Tooned Mika

ENG - I just decided to draw Amériko waving the Palestinian flag because why not?

ESP - Decidí dibujar el Amériko agitando la bandera palestina porque ¿por qué no?

zenith damage

Talleres vs São Paulo FC: The rematch

proerd versao anime👌😎

Amériko 💛💙💖

Btw he's my second favorite Copa America mascot behind Zincha

Speaking of Zincha, i might draw him later

I don't like those new chat notifiers

The previous ones were easier to know if you were missing too much messages or not

virgin jenna vs chad tuber93

I humanized the Phryges because why not?