5 days ago

Bro, I rarely cry, but when I do it's over the smallest things- like- what-

(Read article if you want to)

For example, today in 4th hour, my science teacher pulled me out in the hall bc I have a C, and usually teachers only talk to you if u have lower than a D (at least in my school, bc that's considered failing, a C is almost failing), and I told him that I'd been really busy lately with band stuff and cinema, which is true, I've been getting home at like, 8pm, so no, I don't have time to do a bunch of homework. Then he goes on to say that I'm just using that as an excuse and the other band kids get they're work done. Bro, we don't all have the same schedule do we? No, I didn't think so, so we all have different homework that we need to work on, and all my teachers except for maybe one give me homework, so give me a damn break. Then, we go back into class, I sit down at my seat, then my friends start asking if I'm okay. Which, I appreciate then caring and all, but I'm weird and for some strange reason whenever someone asks me if I'm okay, I just start crying (I'm weird okay, idk why that happens-) so, obviously, I start crying, and my science teacher tells me to, again, go meet him out in the hall, so while I'm crying, I stand up, and I have to walk past a bunch of people while my face is red (tho, my eyes do turn a really bright green when I cry and they look really pretty- not the point-) and when he finally goes out in the hall along with me, he's like, "What I talked to you about should not have triggered that reaction. I was being nice about it." I beg your finest pardon bitch? First off, he can suck my non existent dick, second off, I was crying, and that's what you say? And no, I don't expect him to say, "oh no, are you okay? I'm so sorry-" But I would at least expect him to be like any other teacher and ask if I need a moment or some shit. Then he tells me to go to the bathroom and clean my face, and tbh, I was thinking abt just staying in the bathroom for the rest of class, but I didn't. After abt five minutes of composing myself, I head back to class, stick as red as a fucking strawberry from crying, and sits back down in my seat. Then, when class ends, he's like, "Abbigayle, smile." Absolutely fucking not. I'm not gonna fucking smile, especially if you tell me to. Like, fuck off- anyway- sorry for the rant chat, js wanted to tell someone ig πŸ˜”

I didn't realize how long this was-



Next up

Chat, I lied πŸ˜”

I got distracted and drew this instead of starting on refs- πŸ¦–πŸ¦–

Time : 1:01 (an hour and one minute)

Tbh I really like how this turned out-


(Mini comic)


(I got bored okay- 😭)

Anywho, gn frfr this time :3

GNN :333

Here's the speed draw of it :3

(Btw the lines are to make sure they're actually the same height-)

Fanart! + ref sheet+ yt channel!

( updated june 15th)

Reference sheet in article


Art from school :3

Fanart for @BOXZEE (i'm proud somehow <3,,)

i hope you feel better Boxzee,,

the other two arts i made to you were BAD AF GRR
