9 months ago

Bro people who use insults of you're avatar/oc is just dumb. Hell its the weakest form of a insult. It just never affects me ever. Like if you are are offended of people roasting you bcus of your avatar or some shit. It shouldn't affect you.

You shouldn't even be offended in the first place. Just beacuse a character that you are using as your pfp dosent mean you should be offended. I'm not mad. Just spitting out the truth.

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I ran out of titles

I cant tell if he is trying to make excuse to make us feel bad OR actually being legit.

After i messaged him and blocked him, He deleted my shout.

Is it my spawn day or some shit or nah

Oh nooo you cant Ignore this :(

I love PT connected

"Im taking a piss!"

"I HATE ALL OF YOU!!!111!"

important part

Fancy pants man!