Vs Dave And Bambi: Broken Universe
1 year ago

broken univerese will have its THIRD song remake thingie, and holy shit, if broken universe has a wiki page, then in scrapped bambis there would be a lot

anyways, writing more things here cuz no space.
Songs that will have a remake are:

1. advantage
2. stealed
3. crimson
4. coolnes
(now named Crystals)
5. wrested
6. affliction
(this will no longer be for expunged.)



Next up

versus dav e and bambiv

weird thingy that i did lol

collect my notes

veeeryyyy slow progress

my awseome amib character ! ! ! !


only 2 songs are related to ze mod (idk why it repeated at 0:12 lol)

bambi remake! (for Broken universe and this mod) Also i dont know anything about the mod lol, bembo is just doin' their stuff.